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It's a BOY!

List Member ~ Jennifer MG

Due Date ~ July-04-1999

Baby's Name ~ Matthew Harvey

Birth Date ~ June - 13 - 1999

Weight ~ 9 lbs. 13.6 ozs.

Height ~ 20 1/4 inches

~ Mommy's Comments ~

I awoke at 4:15 a.m. on Friday, June 11th to a very strong contraction. DH and I timed them for an hour and they were 5 minutes apart at the end of one hour so we called the sitter for our soon to be 19 month old and were off to the hospital. When we got there it was just after 6 a.m. and my contractions were 3 minutes apart. They put me on a fetal monitor and did a cervical check 3 cm 75% and 0 station. After an hour there was no change so at 7:30 a.m. the doctor says to go walk around for a couple of hours and come back. So we went walking, came back and no change, so more walking. We did this until 4 in the afternoon when the doctor says 4 cm, your staying. After 4 more hours of contraction still no change so the doctor orders a shot of morphine to help me sleep and hoping that I'll make some more progress if I just relax. Saturday morning at 8 a.m. the doctor comes and checks me and says that there is no change so he sends me home. I spent all day Saturday having contractions 3 minutes apart but they weren't painful, just annoying. We go to sleep Saturday evening hoping Sunday would be the day. Again at 4:15 I woke up to a painful contraction, this one lasted 5 minutes.   I woke DH up and said we are having this baby today. I was 37 weeks and the doctor said that he would help me along     once I reached that point. We called the sitter yet again and were off. We got to the hospital...5 cm, still 75%, but +2 station. The doctor sent us walking since it was shift change we came back 90 minutes later and I'm now was going to be the day. At 9 a.m. I was admitted to the hospital again but this time I was having my baby. At 10 the doctor decided to break my water and put the baby on a Fetal Scalp Electrode because he kept moving away from the heart monitor. They allowed me to labor on my own until 11:30 when the doctor decided I needed some help and order a pitocin drip started..before I'd let that happen since I was induced with my last one I wanted my epidural and got it before the drip was started. The drip was started at 12:15, at 12:20 I had the urge to push, the nurse walked around to check   me and there was the baby's head, so she yelled for the doctor. The doctor got there 1/2 a push and the head was out, 2 more pushes and Matthew Harvey was here at 12:25 p.m. on Sunday, June 13th after 2 days, 8 hours and 10 minutes of labor. He weighed 9 pounds 13.6 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long (not bad for 3 weeks early and NO GD). His Apgars were 9/9. His only problem was his blood sugar,  it was 25 (normal is above 50) so off he went to the Level 2 NICU for a dextrose IV. At 30 hours old he was maintaining his blood sugar levels well above normal on his own and was sent to the Mother and Baby Unit to be with me. We went home together, on Tuesday, June 15th at noon.
Matthew is now a month old and has grown almost 2 inches and now weighs 10 pounds 14 ounces. He is loved and adored by all his family, especially his big brother.

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~Christine~ ~Jennifer MG~ ~Della~
~Mel~ ~Lisa C.~~Jennifer B.~~Lisa I.~
~ Lori~~ Patti~~Kimberley~~ Mandy~
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