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" may touch the Royal Birthday Boy!".

List Mom ~ Jennifer Bl.

List Baby ~ Justin

Birth Date ~ July, 9 1999

Birth Weight & Height ~ 8 lbs 11 ozs & 20.5 in.

My Weight & Height at 1 year ~ * lbs * ozs & * in.

~ My Birthday Celebration! ~

We decided to have a big "pain-free" July 9th party! We invited all our family, lots of friends and neighbors and had about 50 adults and 20 kids all together. Although the weather didn't cooperate as well as it could have, everyone had a great time. We had a big barbecue outside, lots of food, and kids playing everywhere. Justin managed to sleep through most of his party, but did wake up in time for dinner, presents and cake! :) He wasn't too sure about any of it! He enjoyed looking at his cake, but wasn't too interested in eating it. He enjoyed the ribbons on the presents but wasn't too interested in unwrapping them. :) It was a really fun day and a great way to celebrate his big day! YAY JUSTIN!

You can visit Justin a year ago on his Birth Page!

My friends had birthdays too! Check them out!!

* Vayda* Brittany* Camryn* Keira* Amanda* Emma* Helen*
Alyssa* Andrew* Lauren* Justin* Mati* Kaleb* Ashley*
Brett * Caitlyn* Julianna*

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