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It's a BOY!

List Member ~ Karen

Due Date ~ July - 1st - 1999

Baby's Name ~ Bradley William

Birth Date ~ June - 14 - 1999

Weight ~ 9 lbs. 0 ozs.

Height ~ 20 inches

~ Mommy's Comments ~

Sunday night, I was having a lot of irregular contractions.  Nothing painful, and nothing in a pattern.  In the morning, I  decided that It was  probably nothing.  I had to call the Doctors office that morning because they wanted to see me because on Friday my blood pressure had been high.  I mentioned how I was feeling and they said to come to the office right away.   I got to the office and they checked my cervix.  They said I was between 2 and 3 centimeters  (which is what I'd been for the last 6 weeks).   My doctor said that I might as well go on to the hospital and get hooked up to the moniter to see what was happening (if my contractions were really doing anything).  I decided to go home first  (to let the dog out and call my husband).  When I called my husband, he asked if I wanted him to go to the hospital.  I said it was up to him.  I didn't think anything was really happening since I hadn't dialated anymore.  He said he wasn't busy, so he'd come home and get me and take me to the hospital.  I started cleaning the house.  When my husband got home,  we putzed around and finally decided that we should bring everything "just in case".   When we got to the hospital, we left everything in the car (because we didn't think we'd need it).  They hooked me up around noon.  I was having a lot of contractions, but again nothing consistant and they weren't painful.  Finally, I had 1 big one, so the nurse came in and checked my cervix.  I was at 5  centimeters!  She said that we were going to have the baby today.   I was in complete and utter shock.   I had had a snack before I left the house (thinking that nothing was going to happen and I knew they wouldn't feed me at the hospital).  They said that I would probably have to wait until 4 o'clock for my c-section.  My husband and I were still pretty calm.  Then the nurse came back and said that she had spoken to my doc and that he would be there in half an hour!!  Then I freaked.  It happened so fast.  They put the IV in.  The anestesiologist spoke with me.  They shaved me.  They put the Spinal in me (they said they don't do epidurals for planned csections-will explain later if anyone would like).  My husband had the camcorder in the OR and got it on tape.  By 2:30 our son was born.   It was so incredibly fast.  Bradley is doing wonderful!

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