It's a GIRL!
List Member ~ Kimberley
Due Date ~ July - 6 - 1999
Baby's Name ~ Hannah Elizabeth
Birth Date ~ July - 4th - 1999
Weight ~ 8 lbs. 13.4 ozs.
Height ~ 20 inches
~ Mommy's Comments ~
I was due on July 6th, but on July 2nd I was extremely achy and bitchy.
I phoned my sister that night and whined about how sick I was of being
pregnant. I went to bed early that night, dh came to bed later. I woke
up feeling like I was peeing the bed - knowing full well that my bladder
didn't hold more than two ounces, I knew instantly that my water was
leaking. I jumped out of bed and yelled, "Darin its time!". It was 1:45
a.m July 3. Water gushed all over the place as I tried to get my
bearings and get to the washroom.
Darin was half asleep still, but proceeded to gather up our things.
I tried to get dressed, but the water wouldn't quit. I soon noticed that
my water was full of greenish mucous - Hannah had passed meconium. I
then panicked a bit! We finally got in the car - my contractions had
started by this time. It was about 2:00 a.m July 3. By the time we
arrived at the hospital my contractions were over 1 minute long and 3-5
minutes apart. And oh boy, did they hurt!
At the hospital no one could find my doctor - it turns out he had
left town, and his on call doctor wasn't answering his pages. We sat in
observation for over 7 hours before finally being admitted by an
attending physician.
Upon being examined for the second time it was found that I wasn't
progressing past 3 centimetres. I was put on oxytocin. And within an
hour was having brutal back labor - contractions over 1 minute long,
20-30 seconds apart. This went on until about 2pm, I couldn't catch my
breath anymore between contractions. The head ob told me Hannah was
posterior and decided I needed an epidural - who was I to argue. I had
been in labor for 12 hours when the epidural was given to me. The head
ob examined me after the epidural had taken effect - I was still 3 cm,
no progression at all!!
It was decided that I could keep working at it. I went to sleep off
and on over the next few hours - hail the epidural! My nurse came in at
midnight and checked me, I could finally push!!!! My doctor came in
shortly after that (they got ahold of him and he came back to town) and
said I would probably have about 3-4 hours of pushing. As he was telling
me this, the resident doctor said, "Your baby has hair". My doc quickly
got changed and a little over 1 hour I had pushed my baby out. She was
delivered at 2:18 a.m July 4. A little over 24 hours after my water
broke - and 17 hours of hard labor!! I tore like crazy - right to my
rectum, and Hannah's shoulders had to be displaced to get her past my
pelvis. However she was totally worth it. Once I knew she was alright, I
proceeded to black out. Unfortunately I didn't get to hold her or feed
her until that afternoon. I lost a lot of blood and needed a
transfusion. But once I had her in my arms I felt no pain.
Well enough of the horror story. Hannah is beautiful and I would do
it all again! Of course I would get the epidural much sooner :) I have
almost forgotten all the pain and fear I felt. The love I feel is almost
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