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"I'm one year old!!"

List Mom ~ Angie

List Baby ~ Lauren

Birth Date ~ June 23, 1999

Birth Weight & Height ~ 11 lbs 1.5 ozs & 21 in.

My Weight & Height at 2 years ~ * lbs * ozs & * in.

~ My Birthday Celebration! ~

My baby is ONE :(

Lauren had a great birthday, or at least I think she did. All she really says at this point is "Daddy" and "Hi Daddy". LOL We had just the immediate family over for cake and hamburgers. She had a great time opening her gifts, as most of them were dolls, which she just LOVES! She spent at least 10 minutes hugging and kissing each one before she was ready to move on to the next gift.
Daddy wanted to let her eat the whole cake, but Mommy (aka Cleaner Upper) would only allow her to have a small piece. She hated it! LOL! That didn't prevent her from getting it all over her (and in her hair) but she wouldn't eat it. I had taken off all of her clothes so that when she was done I could give her a quick bath.
By the end of the presents, the poor kid was exhausted. She went to bed the second we got home, even though she had more gifts to open.
My big girl is now 25.8 pounds and starting to walk. Luckily (for me) she really doesn't like to walk. She can walk across a room, but prefers crawling. She still only has 4 teeth, but that doesn't stop her from eating (including sidewalk chalk, which apparently is very tasty, particularly the dark blue). Unfortunatley, she only really likes WHITE foods (bread, potatoes, noodles, etc).
I can't believe it's been a whole year! Happy Birthday, Lauren!!!!

Love, Mommy

You can view Lauren's Birth Page here!

My friends had birthdays too! Check them out!!

* Vayda* Brittany* Camryn* Keira* Amanda* Emma* Helen*
Alyssa* Andrew* Lauren* Justin* Mati* Kaleb* Ashley*
Brett * Caitlyn* Caleb* Julianna*

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