It's a GIRL!
List Member ~ Lisa C.
Due Date ~ July - 4 - 1999
Baby's Name ~ Kyra Nicole
Birth Date ~ July - 8 - 1999
Weight ~ 7 lbs. 14 ozs.
Height ~ 21 inches
~ Mommy's Comments ~
She is beautiful! I am glad she is finally here. Her brothers think she is really special and can't give her enough hugs and kisses. She came into this world a lot quicker than we thought. We arrived at the hospital at 8 am, was at 4 cm, got an epidural at 10 am, contractions came quick and strong, was at 6 cm. By noon was at 7 cm but things were slowing due to the epidural, so they gave me some pitocin -- she was born 36 mins later!!! Big surprise, drs were not expecting her till later in the afternoon. So far she is a dream, she sleeps most of the night, first night home was 7/9 and she slept 7 hours straight. She hardly cries. I just can't belive she is here. We are all so happy to have her with us.
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~Jennifer MG~
~Lisa C.~~Jennifer B.~~Lisa I.~
~Angela~~Jennifer Blo.~~Brande~
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