Mary on left (crying) and Cailin on right
List Member ~ Lori
Due Date ~ July - ?? - 1999
Baby "A"'s Name ~ Cailin Elaine
Baby "A"'s Weight ~ 5 lbs. 11 ozs.
Baby "A"'s Height ~ 18 1/4 inches
Baby "B"'s Name ~ Mary Dorothy
Baby "B"'s Weight ~ 5 lbs. 13 ozs.
Baby "B"'s Height ~ 17 1/2 inches
Birth Date ~ June - 22 - 1999
Baby "A"'s Time of Birth ~ 6:00 am
Baby "B"'s Time of Birth ~ 6:02 am
~ Mommy's Comments ~
I was induced due to signs of preeclampsia. Took my
b.p. three times at the doc's office and all readings were high. I was
admitted at 2:30, my water was broken by the doc at 4:30, and
contractions started shortly thereafter. I was progressing nicely and
could handle the pain for awhile, but was encouraged to get an epidural
in case of a c-section or version attempt, so between 5 and 6 cm, I got
one. Not the most pleasant experience, but tolerable. I still feel where
the needle went into my back. I hope that goes away! At 7 cm, I got
stuck there and stayed there for nearly 6 hours. At 5 p.m., the decision
was made to do the c-section after the doc stated I had made a valiant
effort but Baby A was just too cozy in there to move any further. I was
prepped and the procedure started at 5:30 p.m. I felt like Jesus on the
cross because both arms were strapped down! LOL I felt pressure as she
cut me and then a burning sensation, but nothing else. Cailin, Baby A,
came out at 6 a.m. followed by Mary two minutes later. I got to see both
of them and the placentas (too cool!) before they whisked me off to the
recovery room. Dh was there for the whole procedure holding my hand. I
was in recovery for about an hour, at which time the epi was wearing off
and I could really feel the incision. One of the worst pains in my
life!!! As I was being wheeled to my room, the dumb orderly ran into a
wall! Boy, did that hurt! Then I had to wait for what seemed like an
eternity to get some pain meds---eventually got on morphine after my dad
went to the nursing station and bitched. I apparently had a reaction to
either the epi or the morphine later because I had intense itching all
over; this reaction was apparently very rare because the nurses were
questioning me about it and the head of the anesthesiology dept. was up
there to investigate. After two shots of benadryl, I was fine. I spent
five nights in the hospital and came home last Saturday.
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