It's a GIRL!
List Member ~ Mandy
Due Date ~ July - 22 - 1999
Baby's Name ~ Alyssa Sarah
Birth Date ~ July - 31 - 1999
Weight ~ 8 lbs. 6 ozs.
Height ~ 21 1/2 inches
~ Mommy's Comments ~
Finally! After being NINE days over due, our little girl has arrived.
I was scheduled to be induced on Thursday July 29th, but was told to call first thing in the morning to be sure Labour & Delivery had room for me. I called, anxiously, Thursday morning only to be told they were swamped and they would call me later. I found out I was 6th on the list to be induced that day and I knew there was *NO* chance of me being called in. On Friday morning I called again and was told I was now #4 to be induced, but that they would call when they had a spot for me. Once again, devastated, I was sure I would be pregnant forever! I called in the afternoon and was told I was next on the list, but again to wait by the phone. I had a Non-Stress test scheduled for 9:30pm Friday night. We took my hospital bag "just-in-case" and as luck would have it, I was told upon arrival that YES, they would induce me!
I was put on the drip at 11:00pm, just after my waters were broken by the Dr. The contractions started immediately at 3 minutes apart and were "uncomfortable". By 12am, I was in a lot of pain and was asking for my epidural. My labour nurse insisted I wait until "active labour" and said she would check me after her supper break. When she returned at 1am, she saw I was in considerable pain, even though the contractions were still 2-3 minutes apart. She checked my progress at 1:30am and I was 5cm and almost completely effaced. She ordered the epidural and after three attempts, it was in by 2am. It was not effective in relieving the pain, so she topped it up and I felt instant relief! I was a happy girl! I felt some pressure starting around 2:30am and my nurse thought she'd better check my progress...only to discover that not only was I 10 cm and completely effaced, but the baby's head was crowning! She told me not to move off my side (silly...as I was frozen from the waste down!) and she called the Dr and told him to hurry. He arrived at 2:50am and I immediately started pushing. My baby girl was born at 3:05am.
We were thrilled! (To say the least!!) And she is definitely worth the wait. She weighed 8lbs. 6 ozs. and was 21 1/2 inches long. She is beautiful and completes our family. :)
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