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It's a GIRL!

List Member ~ Mel

Due Date ~ July- 1 -1999

Baby's Name ~ Brittany Elizabeth

Birth Date ~ June - 25 - 1999

Weight ~ 9 lbs. 7 ozs.

Height ~ 20 1/4 inches

~ Mommy's Comments ~

How do you put your feelings for your new child into words???  She is perfect : )  I don't have much of a birth story to tell since I had a scheduled c section because she was breech.  We were so happy when they announced "it's a girl!" since we weren't sure.  We were also shocked when they weighed her!  We were expecting a 7.5 - 8 lb baby!  Brandon adores her and couldn't be a sweeter big brother.  With Brittany now here, our family is complete :)

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