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Breastfeeding Resources

Welcome and hello. My name is Leigh Knight and I am a first time mother to a beautiful, breast fed, ten month old (10-9-98) baby girl. My husband, Torrey, and I decided early on in our pregnancy that we wanted the best for our children...Mother's Milk. I read everything I could get my hands on about breastfeeding, I went to a class at the local hospital, I joined an e-mail list, and talked to other breastfeeding moms. After all that research I still was not prepared for the awesome experience of feeding my daughter for the first time (minutes after birth). I can not explain the amazing bond breastfeeding has given us. I made my mind up that we were going to succeed!

When I got her home all that studying paid off. I knew that it was normal for a breast fed newborn to eat every hour, and that sometimes those feedings can last 30 minutes. I had learned different holds(cradle, football, crossover), and that I could nurse laying down. I had even learned how to deal with those uneducated people that insist breastfeeding is gross, or just don't know how important it is to a baby's health. I knew why not to give my baby a nipple of any sort for at least six weeks. (nipple confusion) When white patches showed up inside Mckenzie's mouth I knew it was thrush and could be easily healed. Needless to say I was glad I had read up on what to expect.

Our first six weeks was intense, but we found our groove. I took my cues from her, let her sleep with me at night so I could get some sleep, and lo and behold my sore nipples even healed! We have had our ups and downs since then such as returning to work, growth spurts, and starting solids (at eight months), but it has been wonderful. What a great thing we mothers can do for our young. What a true blessing. I look ahead sadly to when my sweet cheeks weans herself, but I will always have the reassurance that I am giving her the best start possible.... mother's milk.

I hope that the resources on this page helps some mother out there realize breast feeding is best. I hope other new mothers find the answers to their questions through these pages. I'd also suggest to any mother breastfeeding or preparing to , join an e-mail list on breastfeeding. I have received so much support this way, and support is a major factor in the breastfeeding relantionship. Thank you for visiting and please sign my guest book to let me know what you think. ---------------------Leigh Knight


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Recommends human milk for the first year of life

A great parenting site





A wonderful page of resources

Are you a member and don't know it?

Salon Mothers Who Think, article-Formula for Disaster


This page is dedicated to my daughter, Mckenzie... Who has given me the privilege of being her mother

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