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Online Moms Forever Friends
Dedication Page

I am a proud member of O.M.F.F. This is an online group of mothers who have joined together to share life's joys and sorrows, and most importantly have a lot of fun. I am honored, that just recently, I was invited to join this lovely circle of friends. Since joining I have received many warm welcomes and even some beautiful graphic gifts. I created this page to display these gifts and to honor O.M.F.F. the nicest bunch of moms I've ever meet.


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This RingSurf Net Ring is owned by The Knight Family Home

Click above to get your hug too!

Thanks Judi for leaving this in my guestbook!

Thanks CC, how pretty!

Thanks Stef! what a nice welcome!

Oh how sweet, Theresea, Thanks!

This is so cute, Thank you, Kris!

It was so nice of Babs to leave this in my guestbook! Thanks!

This is the first snowglobe anyone has given me!
It's just perfect...I love roses and faeries!
Kelly, thanks so much!

Kelly made this one also!

Can you believe this is Debiedodul's first graphic?
She did such a great job!
Thanks Debbie!

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