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Our Favorite Parenting Sites

Being a mother is the greatest job I've ever had. It is also the hardest. I have learned many things on the internet about parenting. These are some of the resources I've used. I also have found great support through other mothers online. I thank all of them for their time, advice, and kind words. This page is dedicated to them. ~Leigh

Babie's Today is a wonderful online community for new parents. (email lists, articles, birth stories, and much more)

Parent Soup is a stew of information for parents with children of all ages.

BabyCenter here you can find everything you want from preconception to toddlerhood. (even customize your own page) this a great online family magazine sponsored by Disney. It has something for everyone. (breastfeeding to tips on back to school)

hipMama the face of the 90's mother, you can be cool and be a mom. (talk to other mothers about anything)

The Labor of Love, from pregnant moms to parents! a great web resource!

The Kidz are People Too Page--Attachment Parenting you will find great info nad links on gentle parenting.

Schai's Motherhood Site everything about the nature of nuturing...

SAH-AP FAQ & Links

The CyberMom Dot Com there is something for every mother on the world wide web (gardening,crafts, recipes, pets, travel, movie reviews)

FatherWork stories, ideas, activities to encourage generative fathering (in their own words)

FREE Pediatric and Parenting Advice Dr, is more tha just medicine.

PediaNet's mission is the enhancement and safeguarding of children’s lives by the expedient delivery of critical, medical information.

BabyZone has Pregnancy FunStuff! , also Freebies and Contests for New and Expecting Parents.and much more (Mckenzie got a card from President Clinton, see how your baby can too!)

Sears Portrait Studio's site is full of fun! and great coupons so you can keep those baby smiles forever.

Welcome October 1998 Mommies! ~ Sharing, Growing, Learning, Loving... home to the Oct 98' web ring.

Online Moms Forever Friends a circle of some the best moms on the net!

October 98 web page about babies and moms on Babie's today October 98 email list (this page is dedicated to these women. Hi moms!)

"Reflections Of A Mother"

I gave you life,
but cannot live it for you.

I can give you directions,
but I cannot be there to lead you.

I can take you to church,
but I cannot make you believe.

I can teach you right from wrong,
but I cannot always decide for you.

I can buy you beautiful clothes,
but I cannot make you beautiful inside.

I can offer you advice,
but I cannot accept it for you.

I can give you love,
but I cannot force it upon you.

I can teach you to share,
but I cannot make you unselfish.

I can teach you respect,
but I cannot force you to show honor.

I can advise you about friends,
but cannot choose them for you.

I can advise you about sex,
but I cannot keep you pure.

I can tell you about alcohol & drugs,
but I can't say "No" for you.

I can tell you about lofty goals,
but I can't achieve them for you.

I can teach you about kindness,
but I can't force you to be gracious

I can pray for you,
but I cannot make you walk with God.

I can tell you how to live,
but I cannot give you eternal life.

I can love you with unconditional love all of
my life... and I will.

Check back often.
I'm sure this page will grow as fast as Mckenzie.

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