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Pc Codes

Before you email me because of a code not working. Go here. It might have your answer.

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Tomb Raider/Unfinished Business

All Weapons:
To get all the guns and full ammo, walk one step forward, one step backwards (you must use the Shift key), then turn around three times counter-clockwise, then jump backwards.
Extra Ammo:
To obtain 5000 rounds for the Uzi, 87 shells for the Shotgun, and 500 bullets for the Magnum - In the beginning, walk forward once, walk back once, turn around three times (where you face your forward direction) and flip backwards. You should hear a faint click to confirm the code.
Level Skip:
To skip the current level, walk one step forward, one step backwards (you must use the Shift key), then turn around three times counter-clockwise, then jump forward. This is a great way to see the FMV clips.
Tomb Raider Gold/Unfinished Business
Level Skip and Weapons Cheats
The same codes for the 1st Tomb Raider will work (look above).
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Tomb Raider 2
All Weapons:
While playing, take out a flare, take one step forward (hold down walk key while pressing up arrow), then take one step backwards, turn around 3 full times and then jump backwards.
Exploding Lara:
Draw any weapon, then walk one step forward, one step backwards, turn around in a circle three times then jump backwards.
Level Skip updates:
While playing, pull out a flare then hold shift and move one step forward, one step backwards, turn around 3 times, and jump forward.
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Tomb Raider 3
All Weapons:
While playing perform these actions:
Draw Pistols.
Small Step Back.
Small Step Forward.
Crouch then Stand.
Spin around in 3 complete circles.
JUMP Backward to get all items, weapons, and ammo.
Level Skip:
While playing perform these actions:
Draw Pistols.
Small Step Back.
Small Step Forward.
Crouch then Stand.
Spin around in 3 complete circles.
JUMP Forward to SKIP to the next level.

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All Weapons
Enable the "Unlimited Items" code. Close the inventory screen. Enter the inventory screen again. Go to the large medipack, hold W + E + A + P + O + N + S, then release those keys.
Level Skip
Have Lara face exactly north. Enter the inventory screen and look at the compass. If it is not transparent, try positioning her again. Go to "Load Game", hold H + E + L + P, then release those keys. Close the inventory screen to advance to the next level.
Unlimited Items
Have Lara face exactly north. Enter the inventory screen and look at the compass. If it is not transparent, try positioning her again. Go to the small medipack, hold G + U + N + S, then release those keys.