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Lunacy- A Turn of Tides demo (self-released)
"Excruciate" opens with some sick vocals and heaviness reminiscent of Coalesce and Converge. This band is super-tight and is holding the metal world in the palm of their collective hands. Imagine a steam roller running you over and you have a clue. Close your eyes and think of the worst way to die and then your inches from the truth that is Lunacy. Watch your whole family die and then you know what it's like to listen to Lunacy. This is good and this is a definite buy. I condemn those that don't have this demo to forever listen to N Sync.
-Smother E-zine

Lunacy "a turn of tides" (Independent)
Man, this is METALCORE. If you like Candiria, you'll probably like Lunacy. The first song, "Excruciate" starts of very slow and repetitive, but don't stop listening. Once the song kicks in, you'll be glad you stuck around. "In Pieces" great, and "Eternity Was in Our Lips and Eyes" smacks you in the head with double bass and straight singing mix to provide the perfect soundtrack to a war. Definitely get your hands on this. (DW)
-Corn zine

Lunacy - "A Turn of Tides" (self-released)
Holy crap! Lunacy has definitely stepped on some new territory here with their new demo tape and I like it a lot! 3 songs of metalcore fury. Their CD is that cool style of skate-metalish hardcore. This sounds so much better. Way more stop-and-go metal music with throaty hardcore vocals. Just my style!

Lunacy- “A Turn of Tides” demo (self-released)
Sixth in line in this demo lineup is Lunacy and their tape "A Turn of Tides". Right away I noticed the singer sounds exactly like the guy in Candiria. Musically it's sort of the same edge as Candiria as you can't really classify it as any one style. Maybe progressive metalcore? Damnned if I know.. I checked out these guy's website also, and am shocked to learn that these guys are only 17 and 18 years old! There's no way you'd think they we're that age by listening to them. Anyways, they're no doubt influenced by Disembodied, Converge, Overcast, Candiria, and other bands of similar nature. Slick recording on this demo but not over produced. If you're into any of those bands I mentioned, definitely check out these guys because they're pretty cool.
-Short Wave Warfare fanzine

Lunacy- A Turn of Tides
Well, first off I have to apologize. I was sent this tape about 6 months ago, and it's been sitting in front of my computer ready to review for about 4 of those months. Sorry. Assuming that I am forgiven, I can now review this. This is brutal and chaotic metal/hardcore hailing from Wakefield, Massachusetts. They do the Diecast-ish vocal switches very well, from (almost) singing to growling to screaming. I hear maybe a little Coalesce and Candiria influence. As a friend of mine put it while listening to Lunacy, "hey, I'm Disembodied...i mean Lunacy" I'd say that's a compliment. I've heard a lot of people compare Lunacy to the Deftones, but I honestly can't hear that in them. They've got some great breakdowns and seeing as they haven't killed me yet for not reviewing this, they're nice (and all the girls like their bassist). There are only a few of these left (so I hear) and if you don't have one, you're definitely missing out.
-Just Another Scence

Lunacy- Zero Moment Point CD (self-released)
Wow! This disc is certainly a D.I.Y. keeper! Hailing from New Hampshire, Lunacy play hard and abrasive metal while still keeping things on a very high hardcore edge. I know I'm going out on a limb by saying this, but imagine old Deftones mixed with rough vocals, more intensity, and more hardcore. Ah hell...Forget Deftones. The only reason I said that was because of the skater edge they put on this...Yea...There we go. Metal tinged skater hardcore. I like that...Very cool stuff.

Lunacy- Zero Moment Point CD (self-released)
Brutal hc from Wakefield which at times reminds me of a faster Hatebreed and definitely has that east coast hc feel to it. The music has that open E-chord crunch to it but refrains from being uninteresting. There’s plenty of sick breakdowns and mosh parts and lots of METAL which make up most of this 8 song cd. These kids should keep at it cause they show some talent for being only 16-17 and kick more ass than a lot of the older bands out there. See them live!!
–System zine
