Danny's Speeches

I am a Man

"You know, when you--you take a shower and you comb your hair, you--you rub lotion into your arms, into your shoulders and you slip into a nightgown, and i'm--i'm sitting in bed, pretending to read or listen to music or whatever, but that's not what I'm doing. I--I'm watching you. I'm trying not to but I am. I do. I am a man and when you climb into bed with me, beside me, never touching...never touching, I lie awake, staring into the dark, aware of everything that you're doing, of how you breathe, of the rustle of the sheets and it takes every ounce of my being to not want to reach out to you. I care about you. I desire you. I want to reach out to you."

Wedding Vows

"You know sometimes people meet under very unusual circumstances. We did. Who knows why God puts a particular person in your life. I certainly didn't expect to meet someone like you and I know you didn't plan on meeting a guy like me, but by divine providence or fate or just plain luck, we were thrown together and I knew, I knew that you were a treasure to be cherished and to be revered. Michelle, I--I promise to do everything in my power to keep you safe and to make you happy. And what we have between us will grow with you as my wife and I as your husband."

Something Different in You

"I won't do anything to rush you, okay? We've all the time in the world, this is just the beginning for us as husband and wife. Hey, remember that--that day when we had to go meet with Father Tomas, for our Pre-Cana, to talk about all the things we want in marriage. You looked so miserable. You practically had yourr fingers crossed and your toes. You know, you thought that you hated me, I know. And then you realised that our dreams are pretty much the same. You know, I thought, I was starting to think that we were not gonna make it--that together there was no way we were gonna have the kind of marriage we both wanted with us at each other's throats all the time. I figured we were just doomed, you know, doomed to go through the motions for the rest of our lives. But today--today something changed. We said our vows. I don't know, I saw something different in you. I felt it, I think you did, too. And when we kissed, you kissed me back and it was real and I thought, you know, maybe things are gonna work out and maybe our dreams can really come true."

From the August 17 Show

"I remember when you gave this to me, Papa. You said I could be whatever I wanted to be. I didn't realise how few choices I'd really have in this family. I wish that you were still alive because I have some questions for you. You know, when you died, Mick and I promised each other we would take care of Mama and Pilar. We both had very different ideas about what that meant. And look where Mick is. Look where you are. I don't know how you did it. I don't know how you balanced your life. How you were such a good father and a husband, and still made all those decisions that you made. How did you make Mama understand and accept what her life would be? And do you know what's become of her and how different she is from when I was little? I don't think you'd want to see her now, or Pilar. You know, I thought that I could get away from this and start a new life with Michelle, but I don't know how to do it. I just keep making promises to her that I know I'm not going to be able to keep. How many lies am I going to have to tell her? Is she going to hate me one day? Or leave me, or worse. Worse. Accept this life and turn into Mama? No, I can't let that happen to her. I won't. I won't."

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