
Setting up the opposition
RTC better look out
Moonsault or Hurricanranna?
Setting up the opposition
RTC better look out
Moonsault or Hurricanranna?
Lita: Women's Champ
Proud holder of the women's title
The sexy champ
Lita: Women's Champ
Proud holder of the women's title
The sexy champ
Dean wants Lita
And he won't take no for an answer!
An unsuspecting showering Lita
Dean wants Lita
And he won't take no for an answer!
An unsuspecting showering Lita
A peeping Dean
Dean attacks Lita with a concession tray
Covered in mustard - He WILL PAY!
A peeping Dean
Dean attacks Lita with a concession tray
Covered in mustard sauce - He WILL PAY!
Promo Pic
Lita overpowers Trish
From Survivor Series 2000
Promo Pic
Lita overpowers Trish
From Survivor Series 2000

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