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When miles come between us and our lives are drawn apart
Our thoughts remain together tugging softly at the heart

The memories we hold so dear will help us make it past the tears
The special moments that we shared shows just how much we've always cared

The love we've built between us, no one will ever feel
A love so powerful, a love so real

So even though we're miles away, we'll never part
Cause our thoughts remain together tugging softly at the heart


She stands in the mist so quietly, leaning against a maple tree
Her soft brown hair sweeps across her brow from the raging breeze
Tears gracefully flowing down her face
She's captured by the solitary feeling of disgrace
The glistening in her eyes is fading mighty fast
The smiles and laughter she once shared is now a thing from the past
She's given him all that she could
And he has taken more of his share than he should
She is left with scars that no one can mend
She now fears she's in this world without a friend
As she stands in the silence and the time ticks away
She wonders what horrors she'll encounter today
She dreams of smiles and laughter you see
A dream hat may save her sanity

***In memory of Vivian...(passed away 1988)...also to those who suffer the same consequences, get help before its too late!


I sit here and I listen to all your tainted lies
You judge me and condemn me without looking in my eyes
You don't even listen to what I have to say
Who gave you the right to judge me this way
You toy with my feelings and tamper with my thoughts
You try to convince me I am something that I'm not

Don't feed me your tainted lies, try looking deep into my eyes
Don't judge me or condemn me, listen to what I have to say
Cause no one gave you the right to treat me this way
Stop toying with my feelings and tampering with my thoughts
You'll never make me something that I am not

***Dedicated to those who believe that they have the power to control our minds.


I can't utter a sound,
with no voice to be heard.
I can't show the pain,
without any words.

I can't cry a tear,
with no tears to be shed,
the confusing thoughts
running through my head.

I have no mirror,
To see my own faith,
no stars to wish upon with grace.

I can't walk the sea,
for its much to wide,
I can't hear the ocean
on the other side

I can't remember the sound of my own name,
I can't hear my footsteps
even in the rain.

You set me free,
From so much pain
You showed me the way,
to live again.

The sadness tomorrow,
drowned by the sea,
The tears I'll shed
will set me free.

The mirror I've not
I'll make one you see.
With the stars in the sky
And the sun in the trees.

I shall walk the sea,
for a shell to find,
to hear the ocean,
on the other side.

I shall say my name,
Till my footsteps I hear,
And the sadness and pain,
Will all disappear...

***Dedicated **Dedicated to my wonderful Lord and Savior for restoring my self-esteem!

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