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Angels Don't...

Angels don't truly have halos
We don't live in the sky
You may never know if an angel passed you by
They live amongst you

And pray to Lord just like you do
Angels don't fly with wings
They really don't fly at all
But they can hear miles away, a tiny heart call
The stories that people tell
No they're not true indeed
Angels are just like you

Maybe you've hugged an angel
Or told her how much you care
If you ever did, she'll always be there
It's true, angels don't fly about
We don't have halos
But they love everyone without a doubt
You may never know if an angel passed you by
Whisper "I love you" next time in bed as you lie
Don't forget to smile to everyone you meet
You've just been blessed my sweet.


Be an Angel and leave your footprints in my book

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