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Dittany's Tale

The female cat watched through the > driving spring rain as > a car sped up to a corner, stopped, and dropped a a > cardboard box out > onto the street. Then as quickly as it had come, it > left. > The cat cautiously approached the box with some > doubt in her mind. > Peering over the edge the kindly cat saw a tiny > calico kitten about 7 > weeks old. > The kitten was looking around for a way out of the > box when she saw the > older cat. *Who is she? Will she hurt me?* she > thought. She cowered > back into a corner of the box and passed out from > exaustion. > The cat carefully picked up the tiny kitten and > trotted off. > _______________________________________________________ > It was morning when the kitten woke up. She felt > warm and comfortable. > *Where am I?*she thought. She saw an older cat > watching here. > "Where am I?" she asked. > "You're in my home, dear. might I ask your name?" > "My name? Um, my name is Dittany," the kitten > replied. > "Dittany. That's a pretty name. my name is Cy," she > said. > "Cy, can I stay with you?" Dittany asked. > "Yes. Though not for long I'm getting old and i > won't be here forever," > Cy said. > "Thank you. I've never had a home before," Dittany > replied. > Then Dittany went to sleep feeling warm, happy, and > for the first time, > safe. > When Dittany woke up the next morning she looked at > Cy. She wasn't > moving or breathing. > *She can't be dead.*Dittany thought. Then she saw > the truth. *Now what > am I going to do?* > Dittany walked out of Cy's home in search of food. > She had realized > that the last time she had eaten was a couple days > ago. When she was > looking around she accidently bumped into a tom. > "Oops! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you," > Dittany appoligized. > The tom looked at the new kitten. She obviosly > wasn't from around here. > "It's okay, little one. What are you doing here?" he > said. > "I. I, um. I kind of got lost. What's your name?" > Dittany asked > curiously. > "My name is Mistofelees, but call me Misto." > "Okay, Misto. My name is Dittany," she giggled. > "You said you were lost. Do you want me to help you > find your way > home?" Misto asked. > "No. I really don't have a home. I was staying with > Cy, but she died," > Dittany said sadly. > "Cy? She died? Why were you with her? Where are your > parents?" Misto > asked concerned. > "Cy found me. She took me in. My parents are > somewhere with their human > cruising around the ocean," Dittany told him. > "Hey! Maybe you could come to the junkyard with me! > I think that > they'll let you stay. Come on!" Misto cried > excitedly. > "What junkyard! I'm not from around here! You're > only the 2nd cat I've > met! Wait up!" Dittany called racing after Misto. > "Oops," said Misto stopping abruptly. "I forgot you > weren't from around > here. Well, the junkyard is the home to my tribe, > the Jellicles. I was > thinking that maybe you could become a jellicle. > Then you wouldn't have > to worry." > "Thanks, but why do you want me to join? I'm just a > kitten!" > "There ARE other kitten, Dittany. Besides, I think > you would have fun,' > Misto said. > "Okay, lead the way!" > The two cats raced in the morning light. > _______________________________________________________ > When Dittany and Misto arrived in the junkyard the > cats were just > starting to arrive. Munkustrap noticed Dittany > behind Misto and pulled > Misto over to him. > "Who's the new cat?" he asked. > "Oh, that's Dittany. She's new. She said that she > was living with Cy, > but she died," Misto replied. > "Cy? What was she doing with her?" > "To be honest, I have no idea. Why don't you ask > her?" Misto returned. > "I'll do that." > Dittany sat watching in wonder at all the cats. > *I've never knew there > could be so many cats!* she thought. Her thoughts > were interupted when > Munkustrap came over to her. > "Hello. Misto told me that you were staying with Cy. > Why?" He asked > her. > "Hi. She found me. My parents' humans didn't want me > so they dropped me > off here on the land. I don't even know where here > is," Dittany told > him. > "You mean you didn't live on land? Where do your > parents live? I can > tell you where you are. You're in London." > "No, I didn't live on land. This is my first time > off the boat. My > parents are ship cats and sail around the ocean." > "I see. Here I'll have Misto show you around the > junkyard." > Misto led dittany around the junkyard introducing > her to the various > cats. > Soon she had met everyone except for Old > Deuteronomy. > "And that's the grand tour," Misto said. > "Wow! I never there were so many cats!" Dittany > exclaimed. > "Why don't you go play with the other kittens? I'm > sure that you'll > have fun." > "Okay! See ya!" said Dittany running off. > To be continued... > I'll add more as soon as I write it.

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