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Kitty Kibbles

((This is my story!! Anyone who uses > it with out my knowing > it will be clawed to death(j/k)!! Belladonna is > mine. I might bring her back > in another story. If you have any thing to tell me > about my stories E-Meow > me at

***Part 1*** >
> Patchy was sunning herself on an old crate in the > junkyard, her eyes half > closed. She sleepily watched Tumble and her mate > Quaxo play and smiled. > Unknown to Patchy a fog with the head and shoulders > of a cat snuck up behind > her. > > The fog reared up behind her and circled from above, > preparing to dive in. > The fog-cat laughed to itself. It "waved" hi to > Tumble and Quaxo, they > mouthed hello back. The fog-cat circled higher and > dove on Patchy. > > Patchy jumped about 20 feet in the air! Fur fluffed > out! Claws ready to rip > apart the cat who scared her. Fangs bared...for no > reason. The "fog-cat" > collapsed on the ground laughing, her body reforming > itself into her cat > body. Patchy jumped down to the ground beside her. > "Mina!! That was mean!" > Patchy yelled swatting at her. Mina wiped the tears > from her eyes. "I know. > I'm s-s-sorry!" she said exploding into laughter > with Tumble and Quaxo. > Patchy gave them all dirty looks. "Sorry Patch. But > that was really funny!" > said Quaxo choking back laughter. Little did they > know, someone was watching > them. > > "Heh. They're all JELLICLE!!" a dark > gray cat thought as she > watched the four cats play from the darkness. "All > though, that one tom is > cute." she thought as she watched Quaxo from the > shadows. > > The cats were chasing each other, when Mina came to > a sudden stop, which > made Patchy crash into her from behind. Patchy gave > Mina a look. "What was > that for Mina?" "I don't know. I felt something." > Mina said staring off into > the darkness. "So," the gray kitty thought. "the > black and white one is a > magic cat." She started making notes about Mina. > What she looked like, etc. > "That should be enough." she thought. "But I feel > like I know her." The gray > cat slunk away. Meanwhile out in the clearing Mina > relaxed. "What was that > about?" the other cats asked. "I don't know." said > Mina. "But whatever it > was it's gone now." They walked back to the main > section of the yard. Mina > was still troubled by what she felt earlier. Soot > saw this and came over. > "Hey. What's wrong?" asked the black kitten. "Hi > Soot. I felt something > earlier, and I can't shake it." Jellylorum overheard > this and sat down next > to Mina. The girls said hi. "Tell us." Jelly said. > "Ok. I was playing with > Patchy, Tumble, and Quaxo when I felt something..." > > The dark gray cat made her way down to the layer. > "Halt." said a hench-rat. > "What's the pass word?" "When the Jellicles are dead > and gone, Macavity will > still party on." she said. "Enter." he said letting > her pass. She moved > further down into the layer. "Macavity?" she called. > "Come in." he called. > "What did you find out?' he asked as he walked over > to her. "New cat. They > have a new magic cat." she reported. Macavity > nuzzled the gray queen. "Good. > That works out perfectly. Tell me what she looks > like and her name if you > caught it." The queen purred. 'Her name is Mina." > she said, her lavender > eyes glowing. "Oh. What else?' he asked. 'She's > black with a white lighting > bolt slanting across her face. Her right eye is dark > blue, her left eye is > gold. She has magic powers too. From what I've seen, > she can make it rain, > thunder, lighting, or fog." "Good. Thank you." said > Macavity. "No problem." > the gray cat said. Macavity kissed her goodbye. "Now > go Belladonna. Keep an > eye on those Jellicles." The gray cat nodded. "Yes > Macavity." Belladonna > walked out her tail held high. "Everything goes > according to plan." growled > Macavity.