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Jellicles Old and Jellicles New

***Part 1***
*Mina woke up on the trunk of an old car. "Ok, what > woke me up?" she growled > as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. She looked > around. "Oh." It was > Misto that had woken her up. > "Hey Mina." he said as he rubbed against her. > "Hi, & what do you want Misto.?" Mina said sitting > up. > "I was wondering..." Misto trialed off. > "What?? What??" Mina asked. > "I was wondering if you'd like to go hunting with > me." he finished. > Mina just about died. "Uh, um sure." she said, > stunned that Misto would want > her to go hunting with him.* > > I woke up. "Just a dream, bummer." I fell back > asleep. Later after I got > home from school I E-Mailed Patchy and told her what > happened. > > *Hey Mina, you ok?" Misto asked consern lacing his > voice. Mina nodded her > head. > "Yeah I'm fine." Misto licked her ears. Mina > blushed, 'cause it was no > secret that she liked Misto. Well no secret to > everyone BUT Misto!! "He can > be so dense sometimes." she thought. Misto motioned > for her to come over. > "There's a rat," he said pointing, "let's get it." > They surounded the rat on > both sides. > > They started creeping towards the rat. Mina noticed > that Misto was getting > ready to pounce the same time she was. They jumped, > and reliazed that it was > too late; the rat was gone & they were about to > crash into eachother. > > "What was that about?!?" snapped Misto. > > "I'm sorry. I,I, thought you knew I was gonna jump." > stammered Mina. "I'll > be more carefull next time." she said meekly. > > "Well there's not GOING to be a 'next time'!" > shouted Misto. > > "Ok." Mina said, running off, before he could see he > was making her cry. > > Mina ran into the junk Yard. She ran even though > she could bearly see > though the tears. Patchy and Tansyleaf were walking > when Mina ran right into > them. "Oh, sorry." she said getting up and gulping > back tears. > > "Mina, what's wrong?" asked Patchy. Mina didn't say, > she just ran. > > "Come on." Tansy said following Mina. > > Misto walked slowly back to the Junk Yard. "I > shouldn't of snapped at her > like that." he said shaking his head. > > Alonzo saw the younger tom shake his head, and > walked over. "Hey, what's > wrong?" he asked. > > Misto looked up. "Oh. Hey'lonzo." he replied. Misto > flopped on the ground, > misable. Alonzo sat beside him, and waited for him > to go on. "It's just > that... I got into a fight with Mina. I didn't mean > to." Misto went on to > tell Alonzo of the fight. > > "Sounds like you need to apologize to her."Alonzo > said. Misto ran off to do > just that.

Part 2