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"To be together, or Not to be together."




> Kitty Kibbles(author's notes.)-This story is for my > family. Mistica, Megrea, > Cali, Victoria, Ameria, and Jazzmica are my sisters, > and brother, SO DON'T > EVEN THINK of using them in a story unless you ask > me or them first. If you > got anything to say e mail me at > >

> Munkustrap, Alonzo, Plato, and Jazzmica were sitting > in the Junk Yard. > "Where ARE they?" hissed Plato. "This isn't like > them. They're normally on > time." Jazz rolled on his side. "Don't worry. > They'll be here." "Any idea > where they could be Jazz?" asked both Alonzo and > Munku. "Not a clue." he > replied. Victoria came up to them. "Hey Jazz. Hey > guys." she said pouncing > on Jazz's tummy. "You waiting for Mistica, > MoonbeamDancer, and Cali?" The > guys nodded and went "Yep. Yep. Yeah, and Un-huh." > "Any ideas on where they > could be?" asked Alonzo. Victoria looked up from > playing with Jaz's tail, > which he promptly bopped her on the nose with. > Victoria swatted at him. Jazz > rolled his black and white tiger-striped body to his > feet, and batted back > at her. "Uh, Victoria, you were about to say?" said > Munkustrap. "Oh, yeah." > She stopped playing with Jazz and got down to > talking. "Um, Mistica and > 'Dancer are on their way here, and Cali is busy > drooling over Rum Tum > Tugger." Alonzo growled when he heard this. "Sorry > 'Lonzo." squeaked > Victoria when she saw the look of anger on his face. > "Not your fault, Cali's > tom-crazy Vic." Plato said rubbing agaist his mate > to calm her down. "He's > right Vic. Not you fault. But I think it's time I > had a talk with Cali about > her "thing" with Tugger. Mistica and MoonbeamDancer walked though the yard. > "Where were we supposed > to meet them again?" asked Mistica. "By the hunk of > junk cars. Come on." > said MoonbeamDancer. flicking her tail. "Hey wait > up!" yelled a voice. Cali > came running around the corner. "Guys wait!" 'Dancer > and Mistica turned > around. "Hurry up slow poke!" they shouted. As Cali > ran up to them, her > sisters caught a whiff of something. ~*~Hey you > smell that?~*~ Mistica asked > MoonbeamDancer as Cali ran by. ~*~ Yeah. It smelled > like Cali had been with > Tugger, but I thought she cut things off with > him.~*~ The girls reached the cars in a matter of minutes. > Mistica said hi to her > mate Munkustrap. "Wonder what their kittens will > look like. They look so > much alike, except where Mistica is white Munku is > black and where he is > white she is black" thought MoonbeamDancer "Hey > guys." said Cali. The other > cats noticed that the young calico smelled of > another cat. Alonzo hissed > when he smelled this. "Cali, we have to talk." he > said, coming up to her. > "But Alonzo, I thought we were gonna..." Cali > started to say. "NOW Cali!!" > barked Alonzo. Alonzo and Cali left. ~*~Cali's in > trouble now.~*~ Mistica > thought aloud to the group. The other agreed. > > Cali and Alonzo walked over to their dryer, and > jumped on top. Alonzo just > came out and asked the question he had been dreading > the answer to. "Cali, > how long have you been seeing Tugger, behind my > back? I thought you cut it > off with him when we became mates." "I did Alonzo." > "DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO > ME!!" Alonzo growled dangerously. He grabbed Cali by > the shoulders "God, > Cali, do I really mean THAT little to you? Do I mean > SO little to you that > you CHEAT on me with Tugger? If you wanted our > relationship to be like that > you could of told me! I gave up Cassandra and all > the others JUST FOR YOU! > And this is how you repay me??" Cali's eyes shone > like green glass, from her > tears. "I'm sorry Alonzo, I never, ever meant to > hurt you." Alonzo snorted. > "At least tell me WHY you did it?" he said "I don't > know." she replied > wiping the tears from her eyes. "That's it? You > "don't know"? That's your > reason?" Alonzo shot back. He thought about it for a > moment. "That's it," > he growled to her. "he can have you. Cheating ways > and all." He jumped off > the dryer and started to run off. "Alonzo wait! What > do you mean he can have > me?" Cali yelled as she ran after him. "Don't you > get it?" Alonzo snarled as > he turned around. "We're over Cali! If you want to > be with Tugger THAT damn > bad, he can have you!" > > As Alonzo stalked off, Tugger came around the > corner. "Did I hear right? Are > you and Alonzo really over?" he said coming up > behind Cali, with his usual > swagger and a smirk on his face. Cali turned to > Tugger. She looked at him > for a moment, swallowed her shyness, and told him > what she thought of him. > "You are a low life creep, you know that Tugger? I > can't BELIVE I fell for > your "you're the only one for me." routine!" Tugger > had fed her such a line, > and she had fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. > "Because of YOU Alonzo and > I are broken up. But I'll tell you this." Cali said > getting into his face. > "Alonzo and I won't be over for long, we'll be back > together, I know it." > "Yeah, baby, and in the mean time, you can hang with > me." Tugger said > smugly. By this time Cali had had enough. She backed > up, unsheathed her > claws in her front left paw, reached back, and let > Tugger have it across his > face. "THERE!! Now those'll match the scar that > Patchy gave you across your > nose!" she yelled. Patchy, another Jellicle, had > given Tugger a scar right > across his nose earlier that year. Cali stalked off. > > Cali started looking around for Alonzo.Little did > she know he had told the > other cats what had happened AND that he didn't want > to talk to Cali. Ameria > and Megera, her sisters finally took pity on her and > told her where Alonzo > was. "He's over by the pond." they said. "Thanks > 'Meria, thanks Meg." Cali > said licking Ameria's golden brown cheek and rubbing > against Meg's orange > and black leg. Ameria's eyes flashed with sympathy, > Meg smiled gently. "No > prob." they called as Cali ran off. > > Cali went over to the pond. She saw Alonzo sitting > at the edge, staring into > it. She slowly walked over to him, crouching her > calico body to the ground. > "Hi Alonzo." she said tentively. Alonzo turned his > head. "I don't want to > talk to you." he said and started walking off. " > 'Lonzo wait. Please let me > explain." Cali said grabbing the tip of his tail > between her teeth. Alonzo > looked back. "Ok. Talk." he sighed and sat back > down. "Well," said Cali > sitting next to him. "first I wanna say I'm sorry. I > never meant to hurt you > at all."She cleared her throat. "I don't know what > came over me. One minute > all I can think about is you, and the next I'm with > Tugger. But I told > Tugger off." Alonzo gave her a look. "Your > kidding!!" "Nope. Gave him some > new scars too." Cali said and went on. "I love you > Alonzo. I can only hope > that you'll forgive me, and let us start over > again." Alonzo stared at her > for a full 5 minutes, which were the longest 5 > minutes in Cali's life. "Well > I SUPPOSE we can get back together. But you have to > be good." he said > sternly while trying to cover up a laugh. Cali > pounced on him. "Well you > have to be good too. No more evil kittyness." she > said laughing. "Heavyside > Layer perish the thought." replied Alonzo. They went > back to the Junk Yard. > > A few weeks later Cali and her brother and sisters > were talking. "So you > guys are ok?" asked Megera rolling on her back. > "Yeah we're fine. I got > something to tell you guys." said Cali. "What?" > asked Mistica, her green and > purple eyes glinting. "I'm pregnant. Me and Alonzo > are gonna have kittens." > The other cats jumped to their feet and yelled > "WHAT?? We're gonna be aunts > and Jazz's gonna be an uncle?" Cali nodded. "Yep. > You should see Alonzo, > he's SO happy. He started strutting around and > stuff. Then I told him he was > acting like Tugger, and he stopped. But he's so > incredibly happy, I'll be > surprised if the rest of the tribe doesn't know by > now." The others smiled. > The group got up and headed back to the yard. "Glad > you're happy." said > Megera. "Yeah, me too Meg. Me too." replied Cali. >

> The End. >