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Misty's Lair

Welcome to Misty's Lair. I'm Misty and this is my home. I hope you'll enjoy your stay. So.... PAWS.... and look around!!! Also, if you're planning on borrowing my pics, please, mail me first, because most of these I didn't take, I was given them, so, before taking them, mail me!!!!!!


My new STAR WARS toy box!
The FANFICS have been updated
The 'N SYNC, BUFFY, AND CROSSOVERs fanfic page

DON'T TRY TO JUMP OVER SHADOWS! I tried this today in the hallway. I recieved an email, a dare, from a friend. She told me to go and jump over shadows for bad luck I laughed and did so I don't believe in tht stuff Sure enough I jumped into a wall whie I was watching the shadows OUCHIES!!!!

FanFic: Some of them are other than cats!
Star Wars Toy Box
Cat Commandments
Jellicle Names
My Award: This is wehre you go to RECIEVE an award for anything! Not just best site!
The Forum
The Jellicle Ball
FanFic Page
Links Page
My RPG(s)

This is a special "hi" to my fav male kitty out there Prime/Charlie!!!!!

This is a shout out to Obsidia!!!! Thanx for the awesome awards!!!

Jellylorum provided some of these very neat pics!!!
Powder provided some of my Vic shots and my neat-y CATS logo!!!
Roger provided the kewl intro page and he gave me a lot of help on everything else & the etcy, vicki, tugger, misto, munku... and alot of my other pics, too!
The Webrings...
Moonbeamdancer's Box, which I created for her, is a very cool place for everyone to hang out at!

If you wanna link to my page
You can use this AWESOME Banner!!!

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