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Are You Monkee Obsessed?

How can you tell if you are Monkee obsessed?
Here are the symptoms.

1) You have every episode on tape and watch them over and over again.

2) You have every Monkees album.

3) You can recite every line from every episode.

4) Your bedroom walls are covered in pics of the guys.

5) You bought all the reprints of Tiger Beat's Official Monkee Spectaculars.

6) You have gone out of your way to meet one or more of the guys.

7) You have the autograph of one or more Monkees. (Several times over I might add.)

8) You've seen them in concert more than 3 times in your life and plan on going to more shows.

9) You have driven over 100 miles just to see them in concert.

10) Your aol screen name and/or email addy is something Monkee related.

11) You know all the words to Goin' Down. (Or is that just me?)

12) ALL of your family and friends know the full name of each Monkee and what they do. (This one was submitted by Lori. Thanks!)

If you have experienced 4 or more of these symptoms
you, my friend, are Monkee obsessed.

If anyone has any more "symptoms" they'd like to add email them to me.
