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More quotes from the guys.

Davy: "He's been out in the sun too long."
Micky: "Well, he was no bargain in the shade."

Micky: "It's working, it's working."
Mike: "How do ya know, how do ya know?"
Micky: "I saw the last scene, I saw the last scene."

Davy: "Knock knock."
Mike: "Who's there?"
Davy: "Wa."
Mike: "Wa who?"
Davy: "That's right, Wahoo!"

Army General: "Where's she going?"
Mike: "I give up where?"

Peter: "What did I do?"
Mike: "I don't know, man, but don't do it again."

Boxing Comissioner: "Do you know the thing closest to my heart?"
Micky, Peter, and Mike in unison: "Your lungs."

Mike: "Remember these three little words 'Don't Argue."
Peter: "That's two words."
Mike: "See, your starting already."

Micky: "Talk? Never, you can torture him, beat him, drug, him. He'll never talk. There's only one torture he can't withstand. I pray they don't use that."
Ballerina: "What's that?"
Micky: "It's a direct question."

Micky: "My arms! I can't move my arms!"
Mike: "I can't move your arms either."

Micky: "Chew carefully. How're ya gonna be president if you don't chew carefully?"
Peter: "I don't wanna be president!"
Micky: "Shh! Don't talk with your mouth full!"

Micky: "I read every book in the entire public library."
Mike: "So what did you learn?"
Micky: "The Dewey Decimal system."

Peter: "Our honor has been smearched."
Mike: "What?"
Peter: "Smurped."
Mike: "What?"
Peter: "Be-dirtied."
Mike: "What?"
Peter: "Well, they hurt my feelings!"

Mike: "You know, we haven’t worked in a month?!"
Peter: "Gee, it seems more like four weeks."

Micky: "All right, stick ‘em up!"
Mike: "Help, help, help, robbery, who is this masked man anyway, help, help, gun, oh terror, terror, burglar, burglar, help, help, help, wallet mine, his now, gun..."

Micky: "Um, I'm gonna run down to the store and buy some dogfood."
Davy: "Hey, hey, wait, wait, we don't have a dog."
Micky: "Oh, well, I'll run down to the store and pick up a dog, too. Dogs are nice, you know, you can pet 'em, and love 'em, and take fleas off of 'em, and put fleas back on 'em, and besides that, dogs play with cats and, and, we don't have a cat either, um, bye."

Mike: "I don't like him at all."
Davy: "I don't like him either."
Micky: "I don't like him that much."

Davy: "Care for a spot of tea?"
Micky: "I'd rather have a whole cup."

Davy & Micky (at different times): "A man in love has the strength of thousands."

All: "He's gone!"

Peter: "That must be the tall tower where the princess lies languishing."
*Gwen*: "Yes, here I am. Languish, languish."
Peter: "In a dimly lit cell."
*Gwen*: "This cell is so dimly lit."
Peter: "With her spirit unbroken."
*Gwen*: "Man, you better get me out of here or you're in big trouble!"

Peter: "My princess, my princess!"
*Gwen*: "My bridge, my bridge!"

Mike: "Welcome to Swineville, Peter. A happy, sleepy little hillbilly town where seemingly innocent, nice, niave people turn just like that into a vengeful, hateful mob!"
Peter: "How do you know that?"
Mike: "Cause these are my people."

Micky: "I told Davy a thousand times, stop hanging around with vampires."
Mike, Peter, and Micky: "VAMPIRES?!"

Mike: "We're gonna be goin' to our mailbag now, with a letter here from Mr. Leonard T. Kretchlow. *ahem* Every morning I get up about seven-thirty and wander out into the yard. There I notice that several of my chickens, which are now laying on the ground, cold and stiff with their feet in the air. Could you tell me possibly what is wrong with them?"
Micky: "Mr. Kretchlow? Mr. Kretchlow, your chickens are DEAD."

Davy: "Now Micky, as my personal driver, how would you
help a lady into the back seat of a car?"
Micky: "As quick as I can."

Micky as Goldielocks: "Help! Help! The two bears are
chasing me from thier house!"
Davy: "Two bears? I thought there were three."
Micky: "Yeah, well, the papa bear kinda wanted me to hang around."

More to come as soon as I watch more episodes.
