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A friend of mine recently went to Europe and took pictures of some guys with chops for the page. Here are the Davey wannabes she saw and what she had to say about them. (Pictures and captions provided by

You can barely see but yes it's Davey in Paris! Noo I wish it was Davey.. when I first saw this guy I shouted Davey! And nobody looked then when I got closer I could tell it wasn't him... but this guy is cute anyway.

Davey was posing nude for a modeling career in Paris! I thought this model looked kinda Davey like.... This French guy saw me taking the picture and thought I was doing it cuz the model was nude.. but I'm not like that!

I met this guy in London! He was really nice and let me get close to take the picture... He had a beautiful accent and laughed when I said I wanted a picture of his mutton chops for the Davey the mutton chops man fan club... O yah he works at the Tower Records on Piccadilly!

More muttonchops found in London.

Well, here are some other famous people who like to sport muttonchops. Notice that none of them can pull it off quite as well as Davey can :) If you know of any other people with chops, please send pictures to me and I'll be sure to put them up on my page.

Here's Dave Grohl, singer in the Foo Fighters. This is a pretty crappy picture because I couldn't find any of him with chops, but if you have a better picture, please send it my way.

Here's Paul Rudd in 200 Cigarettes. This is a pretty crappy picture as well, but hey.. I'm doing the best I can :)

Yes, here's my friend Jesse. She's not exactly famous, but.... she made this picture and it scares the crap out of me..hahaha. It's just too hilarious for me to not put it on here.

This is Wolverine from the XMen movie... Um.. he doesn't really have chops. They're like huge chop-looking freaks! Haha... they're muttonchops taken way too far.

This is the guy from Lit... Yah, he's got some chops. I think they're bigger now cuz I saw them open for No Doubt and they seemed bigger. I just had to put him up here cuz I saw him onstage and was like "Whoa... look at those chops. He's trying to be Davey!" And that's my story.

Haha... uh.. this is Peter Tork from the Monkees. This picture was donated by Chris, the obsessive Monkees freak she is.

This is the guitarist for SR-71. About 3932982398 people have told me what huge muttonchops this guy has so I thought I should put him up here!

This is Aaron and Scott from the band Reel Big Fish. I couldn't find a good picture of them with chops.. but they both used to have amazingly awesome chops!! You'll just have to take my word for it :-P But yah.. Reel Big Fish rocks and is one of my all-time favorite bands.. and it doesn't hurt that two of the members have/had wonderful muttonchops :)

Haha.. okay... this is my friend Sofia's dad!! Yes, I realize he's not famous, but I don't care :-P He's got some huge chops! Hehe :)

Here's Danny Masterson from That 70's Show. Thanks to Jana for sending me the picture! You can't really see the chops that much in this picture, but she assures me that he has some nice chops ;)

Here's the drummer (I think?) of Lifehouse. Yup.. they toured with Everclear.. and yah.. he's got muttonchops :) Thanks to Dom and Amanda for suggesting him!

Here's a hockey player named Todd Bertuzzi. Yay he has nice chops... hehe.. Thank you to Anneke for sending me a picture!! You rock :)

Here's David Spade.. from that movie of his that looked wicked dumb... Haha.. yah.. he has a scary muttonchop/mullet combo and I'm frightened by it.

Yep.. here's Elvis! He obviously had chops before Davey.. but.. um.. I don't care :-P Thanks to Kevin for finding the pic for me!

Glenn Danzig.. yah.. WHOA. He's kinda scary.. and so are his muttonchops! Super huge thanks to Trippy for giving me the pic. I'll just thank her right now for finding the next 4 pictures too... SHE ROCKS! :*)

Brian Setzer.. yah those are big. Dani actually let me know that Brian was talking about growing some big chops on a VH1 show, so she gets credit for this one :) Although Trip gets credit for finding the pic for me cuz I'm lazy.

Heh.. The Rock.. yah. I know nothing about wrestling.. but he does have some lovely muttonchops :)

Here's Chris from NSYNC :X Shut up.. I know they suck. I do. But they're fun... :-P Anyways.. yes.. Chris had some chops for awhile there. They're not really that big in this picture.. but yah. And I'm sorry for forcing Melissa and Trippy to look at pictures of Chris and to save them on their computer and to drool at them cuz they LOVE HIM!! :-P

This is Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy freaking ROCKS and a half... and I don't really like Angel, but he had some nice little sideburns in the flashback scenes. My favorite actor ever, James Marsters, has a nice little quote about HIS flashback scenes compared to David Boreanaz's (Angel's)... Here's a little part of an interview with James:

"When asked last summer about whether he thought Spike's origins would ever be explored, Marsters said he hoped they would. But, having seen the flashbacks of Angel, in which Boreanaz sported a long wig and muttonchops, Marsters feared that a trip back in time might hold something similar in store for him.

'Ha!' he says. 'I found out there's so much more to fear than muttonchops.'"

Oh, how I adore James Marsters :)

Here's Mark.. a fan of Davey's chops who decided to grow his own!! Woo!! Very nice chops :)

Here's Dweezil Zappa with some very nice looking chops... :) Big thanks to Alex for alerting me about this one.. hehe.

And here's Butch Walker and Slug from the Marvelous 3. Thanks to Amanda for the suggestion and for the picture! She found the picture here.

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