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Random Davey Facts

I noticed that I had some Davey information that I couldn't seem to fit in the bio, so here's a little list of random stuff you might be interested to know about Davey.

  • While playing with Sweaty Nipples, he used to hang a weight from his tongue ring during their live show. (Wanna see a picture? Go here.)
  • In Everclear's AM Radio video, Davey can be seen playing with the band, but Art's face is put over Davey's. At the part in the video where Everclear is dressed up and on the cover of a magazine and then they walk out of it kind of, there's a guy in a grey jacket with a blond wig on. That's Davey! (Thanks to Craig for that info.)
  • You can see Davey in Everclear's "When It All Goes Wrong Again" video.
  • Davey has been in two movies. He was in "Loser", playing onstage with Everclear. He was also in "Committed" during a scene in a club. You can see him playing in a band with Art in the background. Also, there's a character in the movie, Chicky, who at one point plays a bass solo. That's actually Davey playing the bass part.
  • According to his sister, he's always been very mechanically inclined and likes to build gadgets and he's also restoring a little sports car.
  • His sister also let me know that he has a huge aquarium in his basement filled with all kinds of tropical fish. He also built a pond in his backyard that has fish in it as well.
  • He met his wife at a concert and Art sang at their wedding. (Thanks Jean for all the info:)
  • His favorite bands are Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, the Beatles, and the Foo Fighters.
  • He has two older sisters.
  • One of his favorite foods is pasta.
  • Everclear opened at one of Sweaty Nipples' last shows under a fake name.
  • He's about 5'9 or 5'10.
  • He likes to weld...

Do you see anything that's wrong or have any info I could use? Email me!

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