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Ya'just Gotta See These Last Ones!

This is Andrew on a pontoon boat. This is a very recent picture made in May. Dana, Casey and Sarah are seated behind him. Don't EVEN ask what the white squiggly things on Dana and Casey's head are! Something that jumped on for the ride when I transloaded the picture.. :)

This is Andrew at 3 weeks old. He was so tiny.

This is Bethany and Andrew getting to know each other.
DANG! Picked up a bus load of them white squiggly things on this one...oh well, it's still a nice picture.

This is our family on vacation in Niagra Falls, Canada. This picture is the most recent on this site having been made July 28,1999.
Darned squigglies followed me all the way to Canada!!!

Now....let's see the fruits of all this labor!

Let's Go Home!

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