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TITLE: Behind Closed Doors
NOTE:Hey everyone! Ok, this is a new story that I have been working on. No,I haven't gave up on my others, I just thought of this, so I decided totype it up! Enjoy! :o)
"Behind Closed Doors" ~ Part 1
By: Michele aka Shell,



"Where the hell are you Katilyn??" Matt screamed into the phone. "I'm....I'm....almost home. I'll be home in around 10 minutes," Katilyn told her long time boyfriend, Matt. She knew that he loved her,but most of the time she didn't really feel like he did. But she had nowhere else to go, so she stuck with him. Her parents had both died when shewas young. She had lived with her grandmother until she was 18. Then shemoved in with Matt. She has been living with him for two years now. "Well you better hurry your ass up!" he yelled into the phone before angerily hanging it up. Katilyn hung up her cell phone and conituned to drive home. She struggled to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes. "Whydoes he have to do this?" she asked herself. "Why does he have to yell at meeven if I'm just running five minutes late?" She had been through a tough dayat work and all she wanted now, was to relax. But instead she got screamed atby her boyfriend. Katilyn had gotten screamed at enough today by her boss. Sheworks at a small restaurant in town, mostly because she never got to finishhigh school and she figured waitressing was the only job she could do. Shewanted to quit so badly, but she knew that she couldn't. She had to helpsupport Matt with the house and bills. About five minutes later, she pulled into the driveway. She looked at herself in the rear view mirror and wiped away the tears that were inher eyes. She turned off the engine and walked inside. Katilyn opened thedoor and instantly felt a pair of strong hands grab her and throw her to thecouch. "Listen bitch!" Matt spat angerily. "Don't ever be this late again!! Got it?" he gripped her arms tightly. Katilyn tried to speak, but nothing came out. She nodded her head in responce. "Thats what I thought, now I'm hungry," He pulled her off the couch, and pointed her in the direction of the kitchen. She slowly walked intothe kitchen and started supper. While she was waiting for some water toboil, she went and changed out of her work clothes. As she was looking for ashirt, she glanced in the mirror. She walked over to the mirror in her bra andpants. She notices two new bruises on her arms from Matt. She gingerly ran her fingers over it and flinched in pain. Then the phone rang, she found ashirt and threw it on, then walked over to the phone.


"Behind Closed Doors" ~ Part 2
By: Michele aka Shell,

Recap: She noticed two new bruises on her arms from Matt. She gingerlyran her fingers over it and flinched in pain. Then the phone rang, shefound a shirt and threw it on, then walked over to the phone.

"Hello?" she asked as she picked up the phone. "Hey Kati!" said the familiar voice on the other end. "Hi Hallie." "Whats up?" "Oh, nothing," she said as she walked into the kitchen with the cordless phone. "Kati, whats wrong? You sound like you've been crying." Kaitlyn said nothing but just signed loudly. "Oh god. Kati, don't tell me. Again? God, that man has no respect for you....," Hallie started. "Katilyn? What are you doing in there?" Matt asked from the living room. Katilyn placed her hand over the phone, "Nothing....just fixing supper," she lied. "Look Hallie, I gotta go. You know how Matt gets when I talk on the phone," she said into the phone in a whisper. "Ok, but Kati....why do you put up with this? You could do so much better." Katilyn ignored her comments, "I gotta go. Talk to you later." She quickly hung up the phone. Matt came into the kitchen just as she had hung up the phone. "Who was that?" he asked looking down at the phone. "Oh it was.....a wrong number. Some old lady.....," she told him. She knew that if she had told him the truth, she would have gotten yelledat again. After dinner, Katilyn decided to go to bed. She climbed into bed and quickly flew asleep. The next morning Katilyn woke up to the annoying beep of the alarm clock. She reached over and smacked it so that it stopped beeping. She dragged herself out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Katilyn lovedthe house in the morning. Matt gets up early and goes to work, so the houseis always so quiet when she wakes up. Thats the way she liked it. After showering and putting on her uniform, she put on her make-up and walkedout the door. She breezed into work right on time. Quickly she walked back to the kitchen to tie her apron on. After doing that, she walked back out tothe restaurant area. She observed all the people in the diner already,mostly older people having their morning coffee. But one person struck her attention. He looked to be in about his twenties and had dark brownhair and beautiful brown eyes. He looked over at her and she realized that shehad been staring and instantly looked away. "Katilyn? Hello? Are you there Katilyn?" Julie, one of her co-workers asked. "Oh...yeah," she asked startled. "What did you want?" "Your tables are over there today," she said pointing over to the table that the guy was sitting. "Why?" "Because Cindy is sick and those are her tables. So you have to cover for her." "Oh ok," she said walking off towards where the guy was sitting. "Hi," she said to him once she got to his table. "Hey," he said giving her a sweet smile. "What can I get you?" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~