Quite in Love
Why We Love Leighanne
There are actually many reasons. We started out not being thrilled about Leighanne. It was a huge bomb dropping when we first heard about her on Regis and Kathy Lee last fall. Yet slowly but surely, Leighanne crept into our hearts. And this is why we love her.
We love Leighanne because she loves Brian and we can tell -- Just look at the way they communicate with each other during the VMAs 1998. To everyone, this should be the biggest reason to love her.
We love Leighanne because since she's been with Brian he's been looking HOTTER and HOTTER. Thank you Leighanne. Thank you so much.
We love Leighanne because she's gonna be in Olive Juice, and the story sounds cute and we're gonna be able to see BROK in it.
We love Leighanne cause at the Disney concert, she got out of her seat to get presents for the guys. She doesn't have to do stuff like that. Props girl, props.
We love Leighanne cause she dresses SO COOL. Check out her hat above.
We love Leighanne because she can stand up straight even though her upper half defies the laws of gravity.
We love Leighanne because she carries Tyke in her backpack and takes him out to pee-pee.
We love Leighanne because she gets to go in that hot-tub with Brian. Yeeehaw.
We love Leighanne because she's SO SWEET to fans...and we have way more of a chance of meeting and getting a photo with her than with Brok.
We love Leighanne because on September 25, 1999, she stopped specially for Giz and Strobe and took a pic with us...and was SO SWEET about it...and Tyke licked Giz's face!!!
We love leighanne because we sent her an email thanking her for the pic, and SHE WROTE BACK...dude, she doesn't have to do stuff like that...now, she is our A#1 Girlie! WE LOVE LEIGHANNE!!!
We love Leighanne cause she doesn't steal TVs...*CHEAP SHOT!!!*
We love Leighanne cause in New York, when Brian was afraid to come out amongst all the fans, Leighanne got pissed and yelled "COME ON!!!" to him.
We love Leighanne because she smelt like alcohol when we met her!
Rock on Baby! Booze it up and shit!