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thanks (th ngks) pl.n.

1. Grateful feelings or thoughts; gratitude: a heart full of thanks for our escape.
2. An expression of gratitude: gave thanks to God; a note of thanks to a contributor.


\Grat"i*tude\, n. [F. gratitude, LL. gratitudo, from gratus agreeable, grateful. The state of being grateful; warm and friendly feeling toward a benefactor; kindness awakened by a favor received; thankfulness.

[Nouns] gratitude, thankfulness, feeling of obligation, sense of obligation.

acknowledgment, recognition, thanksgiving, giving thanks; thankful good will.

thanks, praise, benediction; paean; Te Deum (worship) [more]; grace, grace before meat, grace after meat; thank offering.


[Verbs] be grateful; thank; give thanks, render thanks, return thanks, offer thanks, tender thanks; acknowledge, requite.

feel under an obligation, be under an obligation, lie under an obligation; savoir grÈ; not look a gift horse in the mouth; never forget, overflow with gratitude; thank one's stars, bless one's stars; fall on one's knees.

[Adjectives] grateful, thankful, obliged, beholden, indebted to, under obligation.

[Interjections] thanks! many thanks! gramercy! much obliged! thank you! thank Heaven! Heaven be praised!

Kelly would like to offer her utmost gratitude to the following:

All my NinasFeet sisters. The old, the new…I treasure you all so much. Thank you for all the wonderful memories and exciting moments. May we meet again soon.

Nikki…stop strobin’ the lights, girl. I wuv you mikki peltz. If we’re not married by age 30, let’s move to Hawaii and marry each other, kay?

Boomshieka…nobody beats the…you’re finally part of the NCP, keep up the good work. I’m glad you’re here, it wasn’t the same without you!

Big Squid…have mikey try it, she’ll try anything…I’m not sure you have any idea what an amazing person you are! Keep your chin up, and leave the Classic Dong alone! (that is a dildo, not a squid…)

Carm…you know what, Carm? You’re my family, my big sister. I don’t know what I would have done/would do without you. Leave my man alone, give lucky drawers some good lovin’ in the plutonic bed, and give my monito a kiss from Titi Giz.

Titi Abril…How’s the Aaron saliva? The only person I can respect for their pedophilia. Jump on the motherfuckin’ fizzy! See ya at BO and every other nickarter stalking thang out there!

Linda…Nutz4Ballses…Get out that bag o’ tricks…you think you got some Nickarter in there? See you in Marathon with Buddy Nick. Orange tictacs taste like candy.

Neysa…Got pits? Dood…when you comin’ back down to FL to drive Mollo? She misses you! You’ll always be my muse, baybay! Carlos is evil, do not let him fool you.

Fargo…Pizza Pizza…Where’s Rich? Baby, you know... Clean up that beer and don't flatter yourself! Thanks for accepting the weirdness. President of the UCB vagina aches???

Sandie…mind erasers anyone? Get out the pipe, girl, we’re comin’ to Albany on EVERY stop of EVERY tour! Now…if its only snowing…

Josie…Put down the Anti Carter 9 MM slowly! R. Kelly is at Transcon. Are there any takers? Let’s beat down all the hoes for Nick Carter!

Nicol…The other MIKEY! Where Sisqo at? Girl, you SO fly! Wanna go shot for shot?

Lucky Drawers…Start makin’ the WBD’s and call Robert. Your girls are comin’ down to partay! You’re like the brother I never had, and I love you!!!! Let’s go to sleep in the plutonic bed! *MUAH*

Brookie…you’re a pro, girl. I TOLD you you’d get that pic with Nick! Now, look what’s happened! Come chill SOON, OK?

Dawnie K…chasin’ tail? Give Sydney a kiss!

Steffi…backstreet who????

Nicole H….drinkin’ vodka outside the doubletree…I understand why you are mackin’ on my man…s’hard not to!

Jiggy Girls (Nadia, Chrissy, and Nicole)…..JIGGY! Love you guys SO much!

Tree and “the Girls” (Christie & Bethany)….our original backstreet friends! Can’t wait to have more fun with you guys!

Lisette, Laura, and Melissa -- our Miami NinasFeet Juniors!!! You guys have got some major STALKING potential!!!

The Savannah Crew - Jovi, Kate, Jen, Darlene, Sylvia, and Jeff...let's get our drink on and embrace the Bobness...the elevator KICKS ASS! Peace out! *palm tree*

And to all the other girls: Sarah, Margo, Faith, Gretch, Melly, Jo, Ashley, Nikki Peelicker and her girls, Lauren, Christina, Mickey, Brittany, Patricia, Tommy FLZ, and everyone else I’ve met along the way! You guys are all the best!

To NinasFeet jr. Zack, Annie, and Sydney….look at all the aunties you have NOW!

Special thanks to people who have helped me with this site: Brooke, April, Courtney, Margo, Nicole H., and all the people who sent in pix and other stuffs, especially Marissa, who sent the bomb pic in the background and one of the items on Fashion Guru...sorry for the long wait, I'm a big flake.

To S.R. for helping me with the Brent/BreakOut site. I couldn’t do it without you! I’m so glad we met!

To all the backstreet “peeps” I’ve met along the way. Brent, Guy, Dennis, Currency, Sketchy Mike, Marcus, Pollyanna, Johnny D., Billy, RoRo (we miss you so much, honey!), Bob, Kristen R., Mandy (just can’t say Willa), Amanda L., Leighrok, Angel, Aaron and everyone else! You all have always been so nice, so understanding, and so much fun! Its been a pleasure! *MUAH*

And last but CERTAINLY not least, the reason for this website: The best there was, the best there is, the best there ever will be


Howie: You see me and my “partner in crime” so much, and every time, you’ve got this huge smile and treat us like old friends! Thanks for that. We’ll see you at Tabu. And I promise, Nikki won’t introduce me again!

Alex/AJ/Johnny (whoever you are)…I’m not so sure about this marriage thing…but none the less…THANK YOU. You are an inspiration. I know you told me the secret of the universe that night at Tabu, but I just didn’t understand it. Thanks for the phone call, the keys, backstage, and the bowling alley. I love you, I love you, I love you SO much. I hope you are happy! *bowling bowling bowling bowling bowling*

Kevone…*Raises Roof*. Snoop the 2nd. Dawg, you rock cause you married Kristen, and I think she’s da bomb. I’m glad you got granola. I like dat. Democrats forever! –ps scoobie says ‘hi’

Father Brian…As much as you may not know it, you’re HOT. Yes, I shot water at you in Vegas. Yes, you got me and Court back with silly string. Yes…you’re HOT and HOLY! AMEN

And of course, mah boy, Nickolas Fruitloop Greatneck Pigdawg Red Velour Pimp Daddy Thug Great Booty Pretty Eyes Carter…Sorry about the whole molestation thing on New Years. Nice, by the way. We all know you’re not a bad person, baby. Sometimes, you just do bad thangs. But I like ya that way…makes it interesting. Be careful, think a bit more, but keep smiling that way. If a person can be cushioned by love, then you’ve got enough padding for a lifetime just from me! Double Kiss to the Peace Sign. P.S. Who is dis callin’ mah phone?

oily birds = bad

Please read this site with your humor glasses on. Please know that I do what I do to please myself, and no one else. Please know that I don’t care if you think I’m “psycho, a kiss ass, a gusher” or whatever else you think. Please know that my friends are my friends, and that if you insult them, you’ll have to deal with me and everyone else entailing. Please live long and prosper.

Please kick ass and peace out…HOME
