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Haber's updates


5/02/01 -- Updated The Billy Voo-Doo Doll, Fixed Superlatives, changed layout and added to So Cool, updated Mastercard, updated links (SEND YOUR LINKS IN!!!), added layout to main2 page and added cliques section HARD CORE, click at the bottom! And PLEASE SIGN the guestbook!!!

4/30/01 -- Updated Editorials, changed main page layout, TBTTV, Superlatives, Top 10's, Where's AJ?. New pages: LINK US, and Nick Carter-Fashion Guru.

2/18/01 -- Finally recording some updates...check the whole site out if you haven't been back in a while...
Added new page called Editorials, hope to keep this up weekly! Email me with any ideas!
Updated Us and Them with Fort Lauderdale pix (new pix in AJ and Nick...more to come!), Top Tens, Signage, and of course TBTTV! Hope you all enjoy! Look for great things from us in teh coming year!!!

6/15/00 -- QUICK updates this time...added onto main page new weekly song, Mandy bashing banner, hate boycott banner, naomi striemer link. FINALLY put my sweet d page up...look for updates within the next few weeks to ALL hottie pages...with a little words at the beginning about each boy, and Where's AJ has a few more pix in it!Look for a word about the break-in to soon!

6/6/00 -- S'been a long time, shouldn't have left you...without a dope beat to step to...
Sorry for such a long time, but Nikki and Kelly were gradumacating from college. We is college gradumacates! Yay!
Look for new links, new take back the tv funnies, a new page called "Mastercard", and FINALLY a new six degrees of leighanne wallace!

7/21/99 -- More graphics added to main page. B-Rok icon added to all pages. Six Degrees of Leighanne Wallace created. Advice for Idiots put up. Guest Book added. Encounters worked on.

8/16/99 -- Main and front pages changed. Added Kevin's page. Added Where's AJ, the Letter, and SO COOL.

8/18/99 -- added "wanna see something funny?" and fixed the pic on main page.

11/9/99: MAJOR UPDATES...SO CHECK EVERYTHING...especially Leighanne's page...Brent's page, and ENCOUNTERS

12/14/99: I gotta stop updating once a month...but unfortunately am gonna be home for the next month...maybe i can sneak over to my aunt's and update...OK...uh, main page tickets were added. Also, put up the brand new take back the tv section and added new york city pics to encounters...have a merry christmas everyone!

1/21/00: Everyone check out the new look! New pages added: Take Back..., Tattoos. Also, check out the updates on most sections, including about us!

1/30/00: Updated: Brent's page, pic of lauren added. Take Back: the peepee pic. Encounters: Detroit pix added, look for Florida pix next week (including Johnny Suede). Advice: some new letters came in.

3/18/00: Major updates today and tomorrow, so check back! Nina's Feet: added courtney, will add neysa tomorrow
Encounters: Added Albany and Fortlauderdale, check back for Indy, Cleveland, and Johnny Suede
New Pages: Billy VooDoo Doll, The Truth About Mandy, Bridgin' the Love (check back tomorrow for more on this one!)
Signage updated...excuse the vulgarity, but that shit is funny!
updated:Take Back 00
and also make sure you come through the main page, there's a special banner up!