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Finished Fiction: Spiritguide, In Your Eyes, The Swim (Visual)

3/26/02 - Added Chapter 11 to Summer Christmas

3/18/02 - Added Chapter 10 to Summer Christmas

3/5/02 - Added Chapter 9 to Summer Christmas

3/03/02 - Added Chapter 8 to Summer Christmas, Added Chapter 5 to Pimp Daddy

2/24/02 - Added Chapters 15-16 to Song for Kelly

2/23/02 - Added Chapters 13-14 to Song for Kelly

2/6/02 - Addded Pimp Daddy, Chapters 1-4, Added Banner for Again (story will be posted when completed by Carm), Chapter 7 of Summer Christmas Added, Runaway Chapters 1-2 Added

11/29/01 - Finished In Your Eyes, Added banner for Runaway, will be added after the first of December.

10/11/01 Spirit Guide - Added Parts 13, 14, 15

10/8/01 Spirit Guide - Added Part 12

9/28/01 Spirit Guide - Added Parts 9-11

6/22/00 - Added a bunch of new stuff:
Song For Kelly: Chapters 9-11
Visuals: Rainbow Catcher & His Hands