Disclaimer: *sniff* As much as I’d love to claim Harry and the gang as my own, I must acknowledge the fact that they belong to their creator, the lovely and talented J.K. Rowling.  Any spells, artifacts, and other people/things you don’t recognize are mine.  Man, now I feel greedy…but it had to be said!  Honest!


Note:  This takes place in 2003, five years after Harry, Ron, and Hermione graduated from Hogwarts.  Oh, and since this is chapter two, I highly recommend reading chapter one  in order to understand what’s going on.  I also sincerely apologize for the formatting of the prophecy, but I’ve been fighting with my word processor for over an hour and this is the best I can do.  I’m truly sorry and I hope it doesn’t take away from the story.


Medicor per Ignis

by Krystyn Poe



Part Two – Of Doom, Destruction, and Orange Juice


Ron exchanged a worried look with Hermione through the WizardComm.  Even though he was at home, Harry felt more stressed out than either Ron or Hermione looked.  Ron then stared at him, finally responding with, “We’re in trouble again?”


Harry nodded.  “Yes, again.  Well, provided I read this right.”


“Read what right?  Harry, what’s going on?”  Hermione queried.


Harry sighed.  “I was flipping through my text book when I found a prophecy that seems to pertain to the theft of the Syphon Blade.”


Hermione immediately rolled her eyes.  “Harry, I’ve got a lot of work to do; I can’t be bothered by some ancient ‘premonition’ someone decided to call a prophecy for kicks.”  She said, scolding him as if he was ten all over again.


Ron nodded.  “She has a point, Harry.  The prophecy isn’t going anywhere, we– ” he glanced at Hermione, “ –well, I can take a look at it when I get home.”


“But right here it says– ”


“–nothing that has any bearing on the present.  If it had a news tip for something that’ll happen tomorrow, then I might pay attention, but really, Harry.  I never thought you were a big believer in all that divination crap anyway,” Hermione interrupted, crossing her arms defiantly.


“I’m not, but this is different!  The last few prophecies we’ve studied had a significant impact– ”


“History doesn’t always repeat itself.  If it’ll make you happy I’ll agree to look at it when I get home, too, all right?”


Harry wilted.  “Fine, but don’t come running to me if the world suddenly explodes beneath your feet,” he muttered, but Hermione didn’t hear him.  She’d already turned off her ‘Comm and gotten back to work, leaving him alone with Ron.


“Don’t worry about it, she’s always like that when it comes to divinatory stuff.  She’ll be fine by tonight.  That prophecy’s been around for ages, a few more hours won’t hurt.”


“I suppose you’re right.  Just try to come home at a decent hour, okay?”


“Will do.  See you later, Harry.  Oh, and do you think you could pick up some more of that fruit stuff at the grocery store…what did Hermione call it?”


Harry smiled.  “Orange juice, Ron.  It’s orange juice.”


“Right.  Orange juice…well, it makes a nice change from pumpkin juice, and we’re out I think,” Ron said, still sounding slightly unsure of himself.


“Did you want the concentrate or the ready made?”


“Huh?”  Ron looked completely baffled.


“Did it come in a jug or a frozen can?”


“How was I supposed to know?  Hermione picked it up last time,” he said indignantly.


“You know, you’re being real helpful here, Ron,” Harry remarked sarcastically.


“It’s not my fault!” he protested.


“Don’t worry, I’ll find some.  Bye, Ron.”


“Yeah, bye, Harry.  Hey, where do you think you’re going with that– !”


Harry rolled his eyes as Ron went to stop some intern from bothering the Council and retrieved his wand from the ‘Comm.  He looked at his textbook once again and the feeling that he was supposed to be doing something other than just going to the grocery store welled up inside of him.  However, since feeling you had to do something and actually knowing what to do were two completely different things, he book marked the page, grabbed his coat, and left the loft to go looking for orange juice.


*  *  *


“They found it!  I don’t believe it, after all the months we spent looking for this thing they find it without even trying– !”


“Calm down, Gerard.  This is a significant setback, but nothing’s been ruined yet.  They may have found the prophecy, but they don’t have any idea what it means.  Besides, you saw her reaction.  She doesn’t believe in prophecies in the slightest.”


“Well, you didn’t either.”


“Not until I had some evidence that it might be true.  We had to look for our evidence, but unfortunately they probably have enough to start paying attention already.  We may have to do as you suggested and send them a warning soon.”


“Why not now?”


“Because they still won’t connect it to us.  Until they know more, which I have a sneaking suspicion will happen sooner rather than later, they won’t understand the warning.  It will just inspire them to work harder to understand what’s going on.  We must wait.”


“But you yourself said we don’t have much time…”


The mask of indifference that had become her face over the past few months softened a bit.  “You’re right, we don’t, but we’ve got to play this carefully.  They can’t get in my way, I won’t let them, no matter what any silly prophecy says.  They will not win this time, no matter what the consequence!”  She said vehemently.


A small beep resonated through the chamber.  The woman checked her watch sadly.  “It’s three o’clock.  I’d best leave.  Tell me if anything important develops.”


The man, Gerard, nodded.  “As you wish.  God bless.”


“Yes, God bless.”


*  *  *


“Okay Harry, where’s this so-called ‘prophecy’ thing you wanted me to look at?”  Hermione said reluctantly, after changing out of her work robes into more comfortable clothing.


“Right….here,” Harry said, flipping through the text looking for the book marked portion.  He laid it out in front of Hermione who read it over thoughtfully.  “Pay special attention to stanzas one, six, and seven.”


Hermione glanced it over, and then looked up at Harry, startled.  “This isn’t some sort of practical joke, is it?  Because if it is…”


“Hermione, do I look like a poet to you?  I can’t write stuff like this!  Besides, I’m not into the whole ‘doom’ thing.  I think that’s been done quite enough.”


Hermione nodded slowly as he glanced down, sighing a bit.  No doubt he was applying a few choice memories to his last words.  He’d managed to move beyond most of the obstacles that had popped up during his lifetime, but every now and then they’d come back to haunt him.  And now it looked like there was one more thing he was going to have to deal with…


The door opened and someone stepped through.  “Ah hah, I think I’m finally getting the hang of those key things…”


Hermione gave a small smile as she saw Ron enter the room.  “What’s with the long faces?  Surely this prophecy thing can’t be that bad.”


Harry turned around to face them again, apparently having dealt with whatever demon had just been bothering him temporarily.  “Oh, good you’re here.  I want you to take a look at this thing for yourself.”


Hermione passed the book to him and Ron looked it over, eyes widening as he read the contents of the page.


When you fasten Syphon's Blade / To heaven's hilt, beware / When fire is focused by harmony / Healing destruction beyond compare


Drawn apart for reason / Assembled they will claim / From poverty and rich alike / Lives lost in flame


When carefully assembled / A new form they assume / The element of healing / Or possibly great doom


One must beware / That when healing is in sight / Great sacrifices must be made / Ashes absorbed by the ancient rite


Through death comes healing / And this will heal all / Through the power of fire / And his downfall


There is one who will stop those / Who wish to use this healing spell / A companion of lightning, he's not alone / This much I can foretell


Three is the sacred number / So three of them shall be / Compatriots in kind / It is not the she


Just remember that fire / Is the key to all of this / And when fire is fought by flame / The healing magic goes amiss


Ron stared at it for a moment.  “That’s some prophecy.”


Hermione nodded.  “Yes, it is, isn’t it.  Now look carefully at stanzas one, six and seven.”


Ron read them again compliantly.  “It mentions the Syphon’s Blade…” he said slowly.  “And…oh no, not again…”


Harry sighed.  “I was hoping one of you two would tell me that it’s not saying what I think it’s saying.”


“Well, I’m not sure how much clearer than ‘companion of lightning’ you can get,” Ron said.


“Well…it could be a coincidence…” Hermione started, a bit unsurely.


“Oh, right, how many other people with lightning bolt scars do you know walking around?  And one who’s part of a trio of friends at that!  Not to mention the fact that the Syphon’s Blade just happened to be stolen during my lifetime…” Harry bitterly retorted.


“Harry, calm down.  Hermione was just saying there’s a possibility that it means someone else.  After all, these things are pretty vague,” Ron interrupted, and Hermione shot him a quick, thankful look.


Harry sighed again.  “You’re right.  Sorry, Herm, I didn’t mean to get carried away…it’s just…it’s just that I wish sometimes I could give this scar away to someone else, you know?”  He finished, almost wistfully.


Hermione nodded thoughtfully.  There was a moment of silence before she spoke up.  “But you’re right.  The most logical conclusion is that it is referring to us, you in particular, and with the Blade’s disappearance we can’t treat this as lightly as I’d like to.  Even if this isn’t true, there may be someone else who thinks it is.”


“Which could be become a big problem in the near future.  Assuming Hermione’s correct, that means whoever it is wants to assemble whatever this is, and apparently it’s pretty destructive,” Ron added.


Harry nodded.  “Then what about all those references to healing?  What’s with that?”


Ron shrugged.  “I’m not sure.  It looks like one causes the other, but that’s not possible.  You know, why can’t the people who write these just spit it out in plain English instead of making us go through the work of trying to interpret it?”


“Because that would be easy, and the people who wrote these obviously put a lot of time and effort into trying to baffle us.  I’m sure they’re happy to know it’s working,” Hermione commented.


Harry smiled.  “Well, I hope someone’s happy about it, because it certainly isn’t making me want to jump for joy.”


There was another pause in the conversation as everyone tried to gather their thoughts on the subject.


“So what do we do now?”  Harry asked.


“Well…do you think the Defense Council would listen to something like this, Ron?”  Hermione looked at him questioningly.


Ron hesitated.  “I’m not sure.  Some of the more liberal members might take to it because ‘Syphon’s Blade’ is too clear to deny, and it’s pretty clear that Harry is the target of it.  Some of them wouldn’t believe it no matter what I say because they just don’t like me.  I think I accidentally burst a couple of egos when I pointed out flaws in some of their plans.  But overall…I guess it’s worth a shot.  At the very least they should be made aware of it.”


Hermione nodded.  “Sounds good to me.  In the mean time we should try to find out what the rest of the first stanza is referring to.”


Harry groaned.  “I don’t think I’m going to have much time to devote to it.  My term paper is due next week and I’ve only written the first draft, and a rather poor one at that.  Then the week after I have exams, then graduation.  I don’t think I’m going to get much extra research done between now and then.”


Hermione covered her mouth with her hands in shock.  “Oh my gosh, I forgot all about that!  Harry, when’s the graduation ceremony?  I’m glad you reminded me now, I never would have remembered.”


Harry had started graduate school late due to the fact he wanted, and really needed, an extended vacation.  He took the rest of the year off after his seventh year at Hogwarts and started school at Weyrlock’s Wizarding College, a rather good but relatively small school on the outskirts of London, in February.  (He managed to get special permission to forgo the January term that year in exchange for taking an extra credit course during his four years there.)  His four years at the school, which were spent mostly delving into the history of the wizarding world, were about to be up in December, when the school held a smaller graduation ceremony for the students who, like Harry, had joined up during February.


“Er…” he paused to think.  “Two weeks from Saturday, I believe.  Right after exams.  It’s a bit late this year.”


“That is a bit late.  Hermione, I don’t suppose you’d happen to have a quill on you?”  Ron asked.


“No, not at the moment.  Accio quill.”  The quill flew through the loft to her hand, and she handed it to Ron.  “Here you go.”


“I don’t suppose – oh, this is one of those self-inking ones.  Thanks,” he promptly began to scrawl a few notes on his hand.


“You know, I always thought parchment worked better to record important dates on,” Hermione commented.


“Well, maybe for you, but I don’t feel like getting up to get any at the moment.  Besides, I’m much more likely to lose a piece of parchment than my hand anyway.”


Harry smiled.  “You have to give him that, Hermione.”


She rolled her eyes.  “Oh, I suppose.”


“Well, there’s some soup on the counter when either of you get hungry, though you’ll probably need to use a warming charm.  I was hoping you’d get home a bit earlier.  I’m going to go work on that blasted paper of mine,” Harry said, getting up from the table and scooping up his book.


“Actually, do you think I could borrow your book for a bit, Harry?  If I’m sending a proposition to the Council I’ll need to copy the prophecy from it,” Ron said.


“Oh, sure.  Just give it back when you’re done,” he handed Ron the book and left for the seclusion of his room.  Hermione also deserted him, going into the kitchen to get a cup of soup.


“Hey Hermione, you’ll proofread this for me when I finish, right?”  She heard him call.


“Of course I will.  I do want them to take you seriously, you know.”


She heard him sigh before responding sardonically with, “Thanks for your vote of confidence, Herm.”


“Not a problem.”  She finished warming up her soup before going into the living room, picking up a book from the table on the way.


Singing in the Shower, by Jana Weasley.  Hmmm, this ought to be interesting…” she mused.  “Chapter one…”


*  *  *


There was a faint pop behind her, causing her to start.  She turned around and her eyes widened in surprise before narrowing dangerously.  “What do you think you’re doing, Apparating here like that!  You’re supposed to be watching for new developments.  Please tell me that you didn’t Apparate from the chamber, at least.”


He shook his head.  “I didn’t, I know better than that.  There’s been a new development– ”


“Shhhh.  She’s sleeping now.  I don’t want you to wake her.”


She motioned for him to sit and did the same.  He continued, lowering his voice so as not to disturb the sleeping woman in the other room.


“They’ve figured out part of what it means.  They recognized the fact that the Syphon’s Blade is in there, and they know it pertains to them specifically, however they figured out no more.  They have no idea what the remaining artifacts are, although they figured out that something needs to be assembled.”


The sitting woman breathed a sigh of relief.  “That’s not too bad.  It could have been much worse.”


“There’s more.  And I don’t think you’re going to like it.”


“Well, don’t keep me waiting.  I want to know what we’re up against.”


“Apparently he’s going to be bringing this before the Defense Council.”


She swore.  “That’s bad.  The more people who know about it the worse off we are.  Is there any way we can stop him from getting to the Council tomorrow?”


He thought a moment.  “Perhaps.  We can try at least.  Due to their anti-Apparation charms on the loft he has to find a secluded place outside before Apparating to work.  There should be enough time to get in place…”


She shook her head.  “Is there any way besides grabbing him?  That’ll attract attention…”


“Yes, but it will draw attention away from the first theft so we can complete the second without the Ministry noticing.”


“But it would also get them to take the prophecy with a grain of truth if we fail.”


“We won’t fail.  As you said before, we can’t fail.”


“God willing we can’t.”  She sighed, deep in thought.  There were so many things that could go wrong, but she couldn’t think of another way to keep the prophecy from the Council.  There wasn’t much of a choice here; either they started taking the offensive now or things would become much more difficult.  And with him in their possession…


She nodded.  “Do it, but if he escapes I will not be pleased.”


He stood.  “As you wish.”


*  *  *


The Next Morning…


Ron paced the floor of the loft nervously.  “Well?”


“It looks okay to me, Ron.  Don’t worry so much, I’m sure the meeting will go fine,” Hermione tried to reassure him.


“I’m just afraid they’re going to think I’m a lunatic.  I was lucky to be able to get on the agenda this morning, and if I blow it they’ll never take me seriously again.”  He sighed.  “I can’t not be nervous about it.”


Hermione picked up the stack of proposals and handed it to him, temporarily stopping his pacing.  “Well, just don’t think about it until later.  The meeting isn’t until ten and I don’t want you fretting for the next two hours.  You’ll worry yourself sick.”  She put her hands on his shoulders to stop him from pacing again.  “Now just calm down, close your eyes, and breathe for a moment.  Count three in, hold for three, and four out.  Think of nothing but the breathing.”


Ron opened an eye and peaked out at her.  “How is this going to help me?”


“Humor me.  Now just concentrate on your breathing.  One two three in…one two three…one two three four out.  One two three in…”


Strangely enough, Ron felt himself calming down as he listened to Hermione’s soothing voice and matched his breathing to it.  He rolled his shoulders a bit and then opened his eyes to look down at her face, which had a hint of a smile on it.


“Well?”  She asked.


“It actually helped.  That’s a neat little trick, where’d you pick it up?”


She shrugged.  “I don’t remember actually.  Some summer vacation a while back.  Ready to go?”


After making sure he had everything, Ron nodded.  “Yup.  Are you coming with me today?”


“I don’t see why not.  We can both Apparate from the same place.  Oh, thank you,” she added as Ron helped her with her coat.


Just then a tousle-haired Harry walked out, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  “I don’t know how you two manage it, I can’t stand getting up early.”


Ron grinned at him.  “You manage.  See you later, Harry.”


“Yeah, bye guys.  Hope the meeting goes well.”


After one last wave, Ron and Hermione left the loft, locking it behind them.  It was only a couple of flights of stairs before the cold December air hit them full force, causing both to snuggle a bit more deeply into their coats.  Little clouds came out of their mouths as they passed through the Muggle part of London, looking for an empty alleyway to Apparate from.  After a few minutes of searching, Ron took Hermione’s hand and tugged on it a bit.


“I see one, this way.”


She followed him in between two of the more ratty-looking buildings before pausing suddenly and frowning.  “Are you sure there isn’t another one back there?  I have a funny feeling about this place…”


Ron looked at her, a bit puzzled.  “No, I didn’t see another one.  If you’re worried, then let’s just get this over with quickly.  I’ll see you tonight, Hermione.”


“Good luck, Ron.”  She let go of his hand a bit reluctantly and then they both muttered something, expecting to Apparate away to their respective workplaces.


Their eyes snapped open at the same time and they exchanged a worried look.


“Why didn’t it work…?”  Hermione wondered, a bit of fear creeping into her voice.


“I don’t know…” Ron went for his wand, but before either of them had a chance to react, “Petrificus totalus! sounded throughout the ally and figures appeared on both ends.  They were trapped.


Author’s Note: Well, here we are at the end of chapter two.  I’m warning you, though, this chapter came out a lot faster than I expected, there could be as much as a week or two in between parts in the future (although I certainly hope not).  Once again, muchas gracias to my wonderful beta reader, George Weasley’s Girlfriend and…that’s it!  Thanks so much for reading, please review!