A Dark Future

Disclaimer: The names of these characters have not been changed to protect the innocent. The crimes committed have not been edited so as to provide you, the reader, with the truth, just the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me Toaster. As the bailiff, recorder, judge, jury, and narrator, I cannot be held legally responsible for the actions of characters under my control. This is a non-profit court of fiction so don't sue me or I will hold you in contempt of court and counter-sue. Now that this little part is done, go ahead and read the story...please...

A Dark Future
by Krystyn Poe

I had it all. The championship, finally, after all these years of hard work, belonged to me. My friends were by my side cheering as I hugged Pikachu, tears of joy streaming down my face. Brock was grinning from ear to ear and Misty hugged me in victory. As I rose to the platform to recieve my reward, the title of Pokèmon Master, I'll never forget the elation I felt. My dream had come true.

Only to be ripped apart at the seams.

Our travels, Misty, Brock's, and mine, had been wonderful, probably the best time in my life. Winning the competition was the climax of those years. And as we all know, climaxes leave only room for the downhill slide. I realized that later, but I never knew it would be so horrible.

I had it all.

And they stole it from me.

For that I will never forgive them.

Yet, is it even really their fault? Prehaps I was just destined to have my fifteen minutes of fame and happiness before fate and destiny combined to steal my happiness away, leaving me bitter at a young age. The talent, the gift I had had from the beginning for optomism fled from me. All I have left are my pokèmon, who I do still care for, but it's becoming harder and harder to smile every day. I wouldn't blame them if they walked out on me. I just don't care as much as I used to. I'm mearly a figurehead for people to blame or praise, depending on how they feel. I mean, isn't that what the Pokèmon League Champion is supposed to be? It wasn't so in the past, but as I've said, things have changed.

Since you're still here, I'm sure you're wondering what the cause of my bitter depression is. Things in the happy-go-lucky world I knew as a child have vanished. It's no longer really safe to go around catching pokèmon at mearly ten years of age. You now must get a permit first, which you can at eleven, licence comes at 12 years, but you cannot leave on a pokèmon journey unattended until you are at least 15 years of age, and most don't leave until they're older than that. By that age I was merely one competition away from a master. Yet, things have changed so much in just ten years...

Team Rocket changed completely. They used to be mearly an annoyence, the best know crime ring in the world...but not the most successful if Jessie and James were any example. Giovanni decided to take things into his own hands, though, and Team Rocket effectively disappeared for a year before coming back, this time viciously. Now they are feared everywhere. They're much more violent than they used to be, usually killing the people they steal from instead of just taking their pokèmon. They rule the world, in their own sense. The police have tried to bring them down for years now, but they always fail. It won't be long before they take control openly, after all, it's already an established fact that if you say a bad word about Team Rocket you're about as good as dead. For all we know they could take over openly tomorrow, and then things would be even worse than they are now. *sigh* Whatever Giovanni did back then, it worked.

Team Rocket...it still amazes me what they can do today, even though it shouldn't. I've fought them all my life, and although I've won...I've lost as well. Team Rocket destroyed my hometown because Professor Oak wouldn't submit to their commands. Not long after, Brock exposed Giovanni as the head of Team Rocket, causing him to loose possession of the Viridian Gym and go into hiding. Brock was found dead the next morning, and the Pewter City Gym went down in flames. Gary, after loosing to me, changed even more from the sweet little kid who was my best friend when we grew up. I don't know what happened exactly, but it was almost as if he snapped, as if his ego was ruling over him and it couldn't take the defeat. He joined Team Rocket and is now on the top ten most wanted list.

Misty...oh goddess, Misty. *wipes tears away from eyes before they can fall* Team Rocket, they were onto me. I joined the covert battle against them, how could I not after all the atrocities they had committed? Misty joined as well, and the Cerulian City Gym was a haven for all of us freedom fighters. It was a widely accepted fact that Misty and the gym were against Team Rocket, but Giovanni dared not take either down because they were well loved and it would cause an open revolt against him. He knew they would have to fall at some point, but that time didn't come until last year. Misty openly defied him, being unable to keep her silence after Giovanni and Team Rocket were aquitted of Brock's murder. I tried to stop her...but you know how she could be. Nine years didn't dim her fire...which is one of the reasons why she's still so dear to me. I tried my hardest to protect her, I knew I'd be lost without her, but I failed. *stops trying to hide the tears* I failed...and Team Rocket stole my beloved Misty from me.

I don't know if she's dead or alive now, but there's a glimmer of hope still left in my empty shell thanks to her. Pikachu has been with me all these years, never leaving my side. I can't thank him enough for that. He's shocked me back to reality more times than I can count now. The rest of my pokèmon have stayed with me by some miracle. It's so hard to care about anything anymore, besides the defeat of Team Rocket of course. I know I still care about my pokèmon...but the thrill is gone. There's nothing really left for me in this world. This world is doomed, and I don't know how to stop it.

So please, if you see a tall, slender girl, about 21, with the most beautiful aqua eyes you've ever seen, bright flame-red hair, and a smile that will melt your heart, send her my way and tell her I miss her. Tell her she needs to come home. Tell her I've been waiting for her. Tell her she's the light and hope of my life.

Tell her...tell her I love her.

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