
The_one_and_only_Alex_Vernon!Name: Alex Vernon
Aliases: James Pisano, Asa Jones, way too many to list.
Weapon of Choice: Staff, dagger, or fire poi.
Marital Status: Found her on the other side of a garage door.
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Favourite Chemical: NaCl (table salt. if you eat a whole shaker full, it'll kill you)
How the heck did you start associating with the likes of me?: I was at my aunt's house in Mississippi, and I was talking to someone, who told Stacy to talk to me, who told you to talk to me. So I talked to you.
Favourite Medication: Hmmm, I know that everyone so far (or they will) say either Prozac or "the little green ones". Well I'd just like to say *humfh*. I prefer to let all my mind-killing-mental-defects grow and fester.
Quote: Quotes are over-rated.
Favourite Appliance: Either a blendar, or a waffel iron.
Who do you think is going to take over the world?: Becca Schneider, I'm sure about it.
You may advertise your webpage here: The Mobius Strip
Favourite Planet: Pluto. It's nice and solitary, and made completly out of Methane. So if there's a spark in space near it, *boom*.
Put some amazing fact in this blank: If you drilled a hole from one end of the earth all the way through to the other side, and jumped in, the forse from falling would build up so much, that once you got to the center of the earth, it would propell you to the other side, and gravity would make you fall in again, making a propetual journey from one end to the other non-stopping. That, of course, is if the heat of the center of the earth didn't burn you up like a marshmellow over a campfire.
Finally, please describe yourself in 100 words or less: I am lonely.

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