Amity's Quest

Amity's Quest
by Rosie Whoo

Amity was one of the wild Amazon tribe. She had long, wild, dark blonde hair and lightly tanned skin. Naturally, she knew how to fight well enough to kill almost any human. However, Amity was not a real Amazon; she'd been adopted by her Amazon mother after they'd raided her original home and village. Being so made her not as rough as the others, and she longed for the femininity of other women. At the age of 15, she left her people to search for the secret.

The first female she met was not even human. She had wings like those of Pegasus, and her legs and arms from the elbows down were those of a fierce dragon. Her upper arms, head, and torso were those of a most enticing woman, however. Her hair was like the sun and hung just past her shoulders. All in all, she seemed a most threatening entity to any man that might chance along. Amity was not afraid.

"Greetings, friend!" cried the Amazon. The creature lost her guard as Amazons were not known to be friendly greeters. Seeing the creature's surprise, Amity hastily added, "I am not really an Amazon. I was adopted into their tribe and raised as one. I seek the secret of femininity."

Spurred by this explanation, the creature nodded her head slightly and relaxed her stance. "I am Willa, Amazon, and I, too, have longed for an escape from the drudgery of killing men," she said, combing her reptilian hands through her human hair.

Amity's mouth hinted a smile as she nodded her head in turn. "I am Amity, good Willa, and I, too, have had to kill many men who come seeking to destroy my tribe. Tell me, friend, you say you sought gentleness also. Did you find it?"

Willa hesitated a moment and then continued to comb her hair. "I did not," she replied calmly, although she obviously was rather upset about it. "I located a kind and gentle woman who was not afraid of me. I was her apprentice for over a year, but I could never conform. Every person but she feared me terribly, and her friends would not visit while I remained. I left for the woman's sake."

Amity absorbed all of this. "Then you must have learned something, if you left for the good of another!" she cried. Willa stopped her combing and looked into Amity's eyes for several minutes before saying anything. Amity shrank in her armor.

"I have always been kind to women; it is the men I kill," she said quietly.

Amity thanked her kindly and moved onward in her quest.

The next female that Amity encountered was a lovely young fairy. Her red hair topped her pale skin and translucent blue dress nicely, seeming the only fire in a pure lake. She held a wand and a sprig of small pink flowers in one hand. Her delicate wings added the final touch to an innocent yet feminine creature.

"Greetings, friend!" Amity cried. Then, upon seeing the fairy become defensive, she added, "Fear not, my friend, as I am not a natural born Amazon. I seek the secret of femininity! Can you help me?" The fairy lowered herself to the ground, still wary, but willing to listen.

"I am Fiona," said she, with a deep, seductive voice. "Do not be frightened, as I will not harm you. I am not the frail fairy I seem. My mother was a fairy, yet my father was the product of fairy and wolf. My teeth and claws are the only remainder of my wolf heritage," she opened wide her mouth and showed the teeth of a wolf, while at her fingertips were claws instead of the customary fingernails. Indeed, this was a creature to fear! "I learned the pleasures in killing men, when I accidently speared my fiancee. My family abhorred me and denounced me as theirs. I have been here ever since, seducing men with my voice only to kill them in the clearing beyond."

Amity reflected for a moment on the differences in Fiona and herself. "Certainly, then, you are very feminine," said she. "Perhaps you can tell me the secret." She notice in Fiona's eyes a merry fit of silent laughter.

"Friend, you are right in saying that I am somewhat feminine. However, I know not the secret. Pass on through the woods, kindly Amazon! Seek your femininity!"

Amity thanked Fiona for her time and moved on in her quest.

Amity then came to a large lake with a solitary rock resting in the center. Upon this rock was a beautiful mermaid. Her dark blonde hair covered a portion of her torso that was supposed to be clothed, except in centaurs and mermaids. Of course, this was most likely only for resting. She had a rosy complexion which suited her very well, and her green fish tail hardly looked out of place. Certainly, thought Amity, certainly this creature knows the secret!

Amity called out to the mermaid, "Greetings, friend! I am Amity Amazon, and I seek-" The mermaid bolted upright on the rock when she heard Amity's greeting. With a little shriek, she dove into the water. "Oh please don't be scared, friend! I seek no hostility!" The surface of the lake remained smooth. Amity sat down in the damp sand and tried to cry, as she was terribly miserable.

Suddenly, the mermaid popped out of the water near the shore. "Pardon me dear Amity, but I thought you were a horrid Amazon, out to kill my lake and me! What is it that you need, friend?"

Amity sizzled at the insult of her people, but then, remembering what she was there for, she let it pass unchallenged. "I seek the secret of femininity, friend. What is your name, that I may truly call you friend?"

"I am called Vine, dear one, and not because I am like a wretched water vine who drags people to their doom. I do not know where my name originated. You say you seek femininity, friend? You know that a woman is feminine only while her hair is long and beautiful. If my hair were to be cut, I would lose my femininity and seek only to drag people to their watery dooms. Stay here, Amity! Stay and swim with me while your hair grows long and beautiful! I will not let you drown or be hurt!"

So Amity stayed with beautiful Vine, and her hair did grow long and beautiful. By the time Amity had achieved her femininity, the two had grown so close that Amity did not wish to leave her friend. So Amity stayed with Vine, and they lived together in joyful harmony for the rest of their days.

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