
Love_the_shirt_Brynnie!Name: Brynnian
Aliases: Sarah Katherine Mulder, and Frosty the Snow Bitch
Weapon of Choice: Stapler
Marital Status: Frosted
Astrological Sign: Libra (10-13 baby!!!)
Favourite Chemical: Diflourethane
How the heck did you start associating with the likes of me?: well, i think it had something to do with you looking sad and lonely and i decided that i should talk to you or something.
Favourite Medication: the little green pills
Quote: "What I was thinking, as like a New Year's resolution, is to stop getting so caught up in my own thoughts, 'cause I'm like way too introspective...I think."
Favourite Appliance: Toasta'
Who do you think is going to take over the world?: Either Canada, or Me.
You may advertise your webpage here: Sarah and Maggie's Page of Pure Insanity
Favourite Planet: fabricon or techalon.. they are both so good!
Put some amazing fact in this blank: i look really good with lime green hair!
Finally, please describe yourself in 100 words or less: i am one seriously wacked out fairychild. im a good student and love kicking ah-lien ass with my sista'. well, yeah... dani is a good little girl.... and i thought a though, but the though i thought i thought wasnt really the though i thought i though i thought...and that is me.

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