Dandelion Seed

i caught you for a little time
...my dandelion seed
i saw you drifting twice as high
....admired the way you danced with the wind
....grew jealous of the flirtatious eddies
.......you were so free among them
so first my eyes, then legs, then heart
...followed your dance
until you came into my reach
....and i could cup my hand around you
....could carefully understand you
but when i touched you
...your fibers
......came away with my hand
......and began to cling together
...and i saw that, much longer in my hand,
...you could never fly again
so sadly i released you to the sky
...but you could not catch the wind
so i lifted my face and blew at you softly
...until you flew high enough to stay
...flew a little higher
......a little less efficiently
......a little worse for wear
...but you had the air again
i continued to follow you while
...yearning to dance with you
...imagining i was a dandelion seed too
fantasizing, i closed my eyes
...felt the wind's caress
...brushed against you
......and away again
...spun giddily with the soft current
...waltzed with the wind . . .
when i opened my eyes again,
...the sky was clear
...i was alone
and watching me with careful eyes
...you stood below,
...while i danced on the wind
remembering clearly
...being the watcher on the ground
...and the dancer in the sky
i wearily concluded that you and i are
...the same
...mutually exclusive
and i was unhappy on the breeze
...i wished you held me again
...i wished you danced again
because i wanted your happiness,
...and disregarded mine.

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