My Friends' Sites

Sarah and Maggie's Page of Pure Insanity - Frankly, this page is my home. Maggie and Sarah are my adopted sisters, and the best friends a sick psycho can have. Feel free to look at the malfunctioning photo albums (except the ones of me...) and please read the little stories. I can't stress the latter enough.

Rosie Whoo's International House of Stuff - This page is just plain cute, but pretty cool too. Anything by a pink elephtant writer deserves some credit and a spot here.

The Official Alex Vernon Appreciation Page - While the page doesn't seem to have much about Alex at the moment, it has a lot of other cool things, such as "Adopt-A-Bohemian". So please, if you spot a homeless Bohemian by the side of the cyberway, please stop and offer him/her/them a home.

The Mobius Strip - Alex's page, finally opened up to the public, so now I'm allowed to put a link here. Isn't everyone just so excited? Seifer Peroxide, who's a good friend of mine, even has a section where he can intereact with the outside world, and trust me, that's worth seeing.

Mike's (Massive) HeadWound - a nifty little page run by Alex filled (...sorta...) with all sorts of literary works inspired by Mike's HeadWound. It's definately worth a look.

I.M.G.S.R.C.: A Stalker's Visual Guide to Hicksville - Yes, the photo page is finally up and running and I'm all caught up with the photo submissions at the moment! More pictures are sure to come, and we're even having a contest to re-name the page at the moment, so take a look and email me while your at it with a contest entry! This page is still growing, so expect more features to appear at some point in the near future.

The Little Black Backpack - Dex finally got a page! So far it's pretty darn good, but it too is just getting off the ground, so while there is a lot of good stuff there now, a lot more is still in the works, so keep an eye on it!

That's all for now! Come back and visit me again soon...please?

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