I burried her deep
Said my goodbyes
And started my lonely life agian
And I'm falling
The grey line rushing before my eyes
I'm falling
Push all my doubts aside
I'm running and falling
With all of my might
To get away from what's inside
My heart
I've seen too much
I know too little
I've already killed me
One time over
I won't do the same
I've no desire
To start once again
To build from scratch
What I lost to a child
So long ago
When I burried that child
As her time dies too
And part of hers mine
And part of mine hers
The world spins round
With many a grave
Resting on her mountainside
But the tombstones we hold
Inside of ourselves
We shall hold forever
The little girl's farewell
Haunts me still
For the frightening woman
Who stands in her place
I know all too well
As the one in black stares on
A blank look on her face
No tears of mourning
For a child of innocence lost
To the world
Which did I kill?
I've seen too much
I know too little
I've already killed me
One time over
I won't do the same
I will not lose a child again
In time's wandering sway
And to myself I make a promise
To see the sunrise again
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