
Hey_Maggs!!Name: My given birth name is Karen Elizabeth Cohen. *shudders*
Aliases: Maggie Mulder
Weapon of Choice: Gluegun/mallard duck
Marital Status: Currently single...sort of.
Astrological Sign: Libra, but more of a Leo/Virgo hybrid
Favourite Chemical: Hydrochloric Acid. It's sooo cool.
How the heck did you start associating with the likes of me?: Because you rock my shit.
Favourite Medication: Prozac/Unisom
Quote: "Those who hear not the music think the dancers mad....RAAAAA!"
Favourite Appliance: Toasters!
Who do you think is going to take over the world?: Me and my twin sister.
You may advertise your webpage here: Sarah and Maggie's Page of Pure Insanity
Favourite Planet: gave me a Dani.
Put some amazing fact in this blank: I have the ability to look highly evil when I'm standing fifty feet away and not moving, just having wind blowing at my skirt and hair. I have a really cool picture somewhere to back that theory up.
Finally, please describe yourself in 100 words or less: Once upon a time, I lived with my sister and my parents. Then I went crazy, so now I don't. But I visit them a lot. My hair is purple/red. I'm tall. I like to wear odd clothing. I need Prozac to keep me sane, which is kinda strange. I have a chapstick addiction, and I love French Onion Dip on turkey sandwiches. Is this 100 words? I hope so. I love Snapple Lemon Iced Tea and that coffee from Makari's. I have a job at Walgreens. My manager threatened to kill me if I quit. It's kinda cool. Plus, if you put a drawer full of money on the candy scale, it comes out to $11.21. I've tried it. Oh, whoops, describe myself. I'm loud, obnoxious, too sensitive and I have extremely scary mood swings. Byers!

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