Common Misconceptions About Wicca and Witchcraft

The following list is some of the misconceptions people have about Wicca. Most of them are totally outragous and are just pieces of crap that have been spread around in books, through rumours, or on webpages.


  • Wicca and Satanism are sister religions.
  • Wiccans worship Satan.
  • Wicca and Satanism use the same rituals.
  • Wiccan and Satanic rituals all symbolize a woman making love to Satan.
  • Wicca's "bottom line" is to alter a person's mind against Christianity.
  • From 1985 to 1997, there have been hundreds of Wicca and Satanic occult killings of babies in America.
  • Wiccans have sacrificed babies, children, young boys and girls, and adults.
  • All Witches have red hair.
  • After Witches sell their soul to the Devil, they receive a mark on their body, called the devil's mark.
  • The greatest sacrifice that a Wiccan can make is to kill their mother.
  • Part of a Wiccan initiation ritual must be held over the grave of a relative in the cemetery.
  • Wicca-Satanic candles are made from human fat; the wicks are taken from the clothes of the person who was killed to extract the fat.
  • A female Witch can only achieve the greatest power if a baby is ritually butchered over her body. This is the only way that she can adsorb the baby's life energy.
  • A Christian cross is urinated, defecated and spit upon in Wiccan rituals.
  • Wiccans are required to be anti-Christian. Each initiate becomes an antichrist. This gives them access to special powers.
  • Wicca descended from the Baal pagan religion mentioned in the Bible.
  • Wiccan initiates are rebaptized in the name of the Devil.
  • The devil meets with Witches and teaches them at Halloween time.
  • If you worship any deity other than the Christian God, you are in witchcraft. (This presumably includes Buddhists, Hindus and followers of all world religions other than Christianity.)
  • Occult groups, including Wiccans, engage in animal sacrifice, human sacrifice, human dismemberment on St. Winebald day (JAN-7), St. Walpurgis Day (FEB-25), and at a festival called "Marriage to Satan" (SEP-7).
  • Wiccans are motivated by a desire to reduce the number of people entering Heaven and thus delay the Final Judgment when Satan, his demons and the Witches would be cast into Hell.
  • Wiccans use the blood of aborted fetuses in their ceremonies.
  • A revival of neo-paganism (which inclues Wicca) has brought with it a revival of human sacrifice in the form of abortion.
  • Wiccans work 365 days a year to destroy America and corrupt our youth for the devil.
  • The Wiccan lord is the lord of darkness.
  • Many Wiccans have a desire to be damned with Lucifer and spend eternity in Hell.
  • Wiccans eventually become schizophrenic, manic-depressive and violent on an instants notice, as well as see hallucinations.
  • Hitler was one of history's most famous witches and human sacrifice gurus.
  • Wiccans promise to pay "annual tribute" to the Devil.
  • Ashtoreth (the moon goddess of the Phoenicians) and Baal (the senior deity of the Canaanites) are worshipped by Neopagans.
  • Christian Gnosticism and Shamanism are forms of Witchcraft.
  • Wiccan symbols, such as the pentagram, are used to conjure up evil spirits and demons.
  • All Wiccans are female

    I would like to repeat, the list you read is made of completely FALSE information.

    If you have anything that need to be added to this list, please email me and I will put it up.

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