
Name: Nickalaus Locke Koziura
Aliases: d’Artagnan, Chevache, and “Hey You”
Weapon of Choice: The sharp point of a very dull wit
Marital Status: Not currently married, although I do have a copy of Girl Talk so I am well on my way to eternal happiness or an other brand that promises the same high.
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Favourite Chemical: Sodium Bicarbonate
How the heck did you start associating with the likes of me?: I met Danibelle or Poe or Krys through common friends at a bowling outing. There was a lot of livestock sacrificed that day.
Favourite Medication: A slight detour into sleep.
Quote: You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We are all part of the same compost heap.
Favourite Appliance: Dishwasher
Who do you think is going to take over the world?: No one really,
You may advertise your web page here: N/A
Favourite Planet: Pluto
Put some amazing fact in this blank: I’m Seventeen
Finally, please describe yourself in 100 words or less: You know that nagging feeling in the back of your mind when you are about to do something that you aren’t sure how it is going to work out or is going to be received? That’s me, because I am always there telling you exactly what to do and what will happen if you take the road you shouldn’t travel. I am not your savior nor am your downfall, but I am that nice thin line between being a success and making an fool out of yourself.

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