Other Fun Links

The SEarch for Extraterrestrial Intellegence at Home - This is a completely legit way to help Berkeley University and the Aricibo Observitory (can someone please tell me if there's a typo somewhere in there?) in Puerto Rico search for E.T. All you do is download the screen saver, install it, and pow! You're helping us look for intellegent life! (And I sure hope someone finds some, we could use intellegence on this planet.)

The Schwa Corperation - It may not be a real corperation, but the Advanced Training Center is a pretty neat place to waste your time. You try to abduct stuff, find out if your psychic, etc. All in all, it's pretty interesting.

Welcome to out 1984 Homepage - This is a great place to get information about the wonderful anti-utopian book 1984 by George Orwell. If you need information for a report, you can find it here. If you are just goofing around and want to take a closer look at the book which has effected the American society more than we know, keep going here. All in all, it's a nice place to visit at least once.

The Marshmellow Bunny Survival Tests Homepage - This page is all about, you guessed it, random (and what the People for the Ethical Treatement of Marhsmellow Bunnies might call cruel) tests done on marshmellow bunnies to see just how strong or weak they are against various things. Trust me, it's pretty funny.

Unavenged the Avengers Fall - I love this webpage. This girl knows what she's talking about and she's willing to speak up and say it. I hope she never gives up writing and never ever gives up her soapbox. This page covers a lot of different topcs and is highly suggested by me, so go visit it!

Secret Shame - Self-Injury Support and Information - This site is amazing, to put it mildly. Anything you wanted, or didn't want, to know about self-injury, cutting, self-mutilation, masochism, or whatever you want to call it is here. This site is not only good for people who injure themselves, but for family and friends who want to have a better understanding of the problem. I know this topic has effected me and many other people I know personally, so please, if you care at all at least take a look and see what it's all about.

Sluggy Freelance - I'm surprised I didn't have this link on here before. This is the best online comic strip...heck, it's the best comic strip I've ever seen! It's got a bouncing ferret, a freelance web designer who has an alien for a secretary, a demon posessed college student, a non-demon possessed college student, a bum who spends his time making weapons of mass destruction and time machines, more parodies than I can count (including Matrix, Blair Witch, and X-Files), and a switchblade carrying bunny who has a grudge against telemarketers and Santa. What more could you want?

How To Be A Goth (in less than an hour!) - This is absolutely hysterical. I really don't need to say anything else.

Strange But True Websites - When not sure what to do with yourself, go here. It'll provide you with hours of endless entertainment and useless information...or at least it did that for me...

Fanfiction.net - I. Love. This. Site. It's a wonderful place to post any sort of writing, fan fiction or not! You can meet lots of great people on the messageboards and there are many great features that make it one of my favourite sites. It's really easy to become an author there and I've found that it's helped my writing improve tremendously. Even if you don't write, it's got a lot of wonderful stuff for you to read, so it is definately worth your time and attention.

That's it! More will come later, I'm sure...

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