The Pentagram

The pentagram is one of the most confused symbols out there. Many believe it is a Satanic symbol, but this is far from the truth. Even inverted, it isn't always Satanic and is falsly though of as such.

An inverted pentagram is often a symbol by a "second degree" Wiccan initiate to show and symbolise thier progress in facing the darker side of life. It can also be a symbol of a Wiccan showing their belief of the elements taking precedence of the spirit.

However, when facing upright, the pentagram resembles a human figure with spirit being the most imporant. It is a symbol of protection, and the points of the enclosed star are symbolic of the elements.

  • Spirit - represents the All and the Divine. (top point)
  • Air - represents intelligence and the arts. (left point)
  • Earth - represents stability and physical endurance. (bottom left point)
  • Fire - represents courage and daring. (bottom right point)
  • Water - represents emotions and intuition. (right point)

    The circle around the star symbolises the unity of all the points.

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