Pokèmon Links

The Pokèmon Fan Fiction Archives - Definately the most reasonably high quality fan fiction of this type in one place. I love it to death and actually have had a couple of my fanfics posted there, so if you're at all interested in the pokèmon phenomena check it out!

Ace's Index - This guy has the best pokèmon fan fiction I have ever read. If you go there, check out Pokèmon Master because it is amazing.

Ash and Misty's Love - A page run by three people who go by Ash, Misty, and Brock. They're all dedicated AAMRN fans, but that's not the only thing this site has! It's got art, fiction, info, lyrics, etc. Once agian, definately worth a look.

Pokèmon Center - It's got chat, messageboard, trivia, the works, and it's not that bad either. Probably one of the better sites on the web.

That's it. See you later!

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