Inconsequential Species

Inconsequential Species
by Rosie Whoo

He struggled desperately for control of the knife, knowing that if he lost this to the she-creature, he would lose everything. He knew with all his being that he must not lose, but...a small voice within him wondered: would it be so bad to lose? She would treat you kindly, it said, her species was not bent on the destruction of the human race; it was regarded as a rare species to be studied and cared for. He mentally slapped at the voice, knowing it was no part of him. She (for it was easiest to think of the creature as a she, in its present form) could fight on multiple levels, it seemed. What a shame it was that such mind games as telepathy were shunned in human schooling. All he could do to fight the internal battle was to remind himself of the nature of the voice as it tried to persuade him to surrender. He concentrated on getting the knife, if only to have some physical protection against this creature. For a few seconds it seemed he had the advantage, but then he made the mistake of looking up. Her blue eyes glowed with an unnatural light resembling all things unknown. He was entranced, instantly hypnotized because of the power of those eyes. He gave up his struggle and slowly released the knife. She laughed, not bothering to move the knife away from him because she knew he was helpless.

"Fool," she said, "you should have known resistance was useless. Why did you refuse to listen to the voice of reason? It tried to help you, but you foolishly ignored it because you assumed you knew its origin. Besides, I do not wish to harm you or your kind; I would merely like to take a few specimens back to my planet to be studied. Is that so wrong?" Her eyes clouded as she emulated the human act of crying, perhaps believing tears would help to persuade him. However, the tearing caused her to blink, releasing him from his hypnosis. Before she'd opened her eyes again, he had grabbed the knife from her hands and thrust it into her chest where a human's heart would be. A look of surprise transfixed her face. She touched the wound, staring at the blood on her hands as though she couldn't quite believe what had happened. Then she stared at him, her eyes glazing over in pain (he assumed).

"You foolish human," she rasped, "you have doomed your people to an interplanetary was they are not prepared for." Then she sank to the floor, her exotic eyes closing forever. He stood upright, still clutching the knife, the taste of moral victory thick in his mouth. Once her people learned of this incident, hundreds of battleships would most likely be launched for Earth, arriving long before even a sufficient ground force could be organized, much less an army trained for space battle. The human race would be subject to the will of a greater power...but he would have his moral victory.

He turned his head and spat; victory had filled his mouth with a bitter taste.

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