Toaster Approved Links

On the occasions when I get bored looking at Wicca pages or filling out Star Wars trivia forms or desperately trying to find a decent X-Files Interactive Story site, I looked for Toaster links. Well, I've consulted the Toaster, and all of the following links have been approved to go up here. So, be one with the Toaster and check out some of these coolarifically dudical sites.

The Toaster Oracle - Ever wondered what your day is going to be like, or wanted to compare your day was actually like to what a "psychic" said it was going to be like? Well, step right up to the all-powerful Toaster oracle and She'll give you a reading for the day!

U and UR Toaster Collection - The ultimate Toaster gallery, where Toaster fanatics like us send in pictures of them with their Toasters to be posted. No, don't bother looking for me or any of the rest of us, we're not there...yet...

Revenge of the Toaster - okay, so it's kind of a dumb site, but it's got some nice graphics and a cute story about an angry Toaster who decided to get, I won't spoil the ending, go see for yourself!

T.O.A.S.T.E.R. - Okay, so the site doesn't have much to do with Toasters, but it;s still pretty awesome. Sarah, Maggie, and a couple of strange kids from Canada put together this site for all the non-sterotypical teen out there. Go us!

The Shrine to Toast - It's kinda cute. Some college kids who had WAAAAAAY too much time on their hands put together a Toaster shrine and a few Toaster activities at their college. Go and check it out!

Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches - Kids, don't try this at home...seriously. Okay, so this definately falls under the AFTCP (Association For Toaster Cruely Prevention) banned sites becuase it involves hurting a Toaster, but the result was beautiful. Plus, there are pictures, which makes it even better. Pyros will love this site.

Our Lady of Toast, Mother of Toasters - A Wonderful Toaster forum with everything a Toaster lover could want! It's got Quotes, Toaster Tales, an FAQ, even film! Definately a keeper, said the Toaster to me.

The Answer-matic Toaster! - Most definately the best new (or best period) Toaster-toy out there! As the Goddess a question, press the button, and the Toast will pop up with an answr for you! However, I feel it is my duty that this Toaster has a bit of an attitude...but love her anyways.

Okay, that's all I've got for now, but if you see a Toaster site that you think belongs here, email me and I'll consult the Toaster about it. Gratzie!

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