Toastertarianistic Prayers

The following prayers were taken from the imaginary Book of Toast (AKA, I wrote most of them.):

"Hail Toaster, full of heat, thou art our Lady. Blessed art thou amongst appliances and blessed art the grains of thy little slots. Holy Toaster, Mother of All, pray for us and psycosis, now and at the hour of our death. Ah-lien."

"Hail Toaster, Mother of All, the light of our lives, hopes, and dreams. We, the outcasted people and aliens of the world, cry to you in hopes of Your love. To thee we send up our prayers, narcoleptic and afraid in this kitchen of fears. We beg of you, most gracious appliance, to shine thy blessed slots towards us, and our insanity. Oh sweet shiny Toaster, pray for us so that we may be made worthy of the Toast you produce. Ah-lien."

"Holy Toaster, Grandmother of Bohemia, to thee we send our praise. We thank thee for your grandaughter's gifts to us in order to make life livable in this microwavish hell, and for giving us the gifts that set us apart from the others. Holy Toaster, Grandmother of Bohemia, we thank you for your gifts of the blessed Toast, for your aid in helping us pass our tests, and for giving us strength to stand up to those who do not accept you in any way. We strive to earn your favour and to live up to the noble example you have set for us. We beg of you to show us the red light inside, and to lead us the right way. Gratzie, Ah-lien."

Wow, I'm amazed you've actually read them. That's just so cool...I posted some religious stuff and people read it...if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to wander around in shock for a bit now...

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